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« on: 15 June 2002, 07:36 »
Why is the Windows version of Mozilla so much freaking better than the Linux version?  In windows the fonts are smoothed, the text doesn't break when I scroll, and there is that nifty "quicklaunch" option that makes it load quite fast.  If I didn't already have IE, I would say Mozilla is pretty damn good and would certainly use it under Windows.  It even blocks popup ads (which I loathe)

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« Reply #1 on: 15 June 2002, 07:50 »
Mozilla looks exactly the same in Linux on my computer as it did in windows. It stopped breaking up when scrolling and 'dragging' images as soon as i switched to linux. It starts up at about the same speed as it did in windows when the quicklaunch is enabled.
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« Reply #2 on: 15 June 2002, 08:00 »
As for netscape now.... I would not suggest to use it in Linux. It has a different look to it and is just as bad as it is in windows.
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« Reply #3 on: 15 June 2002, 08:45 »
for me they look exactly the same....the own browser i've had bad luck with (table widths are screwed, images stretched and fuzzy) is Opera and that's for both Windows and Linux.

me likes Mozilla, the mail wizard helped me finaly get the email that i've been missing since my Windows computer went all to hell  ;)


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« Reply #4 on: 15 June 2002, 21:14 »
Give Beonex 0.8 a try; it's Mozilla 1.0, but it's friendlier to custom configurations, plus it's cross-platform; I'm using it in WIN 98, LibraNet Linux 2.0 and BeOS 5.04.
I'm SERIOUS about Linux; are you??


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« Reply #5 on: 16 June 2002, 23:50 »
winXP loser, you should have put this in the windows section. When starting a new topic praising windows please remember that in future. The topic is now moved.
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« Reply #6 on: 18 June 2002, 14:18 »
Originally posted by Windows XP User #5225982375:
Why is the Windows version of Mozilla so much freaking better than the Linux version?  In windows the fonts are smoothed, the text doesn't break when I scroll, and there is that nifty "quicklaunch" option that makes it load quite fast.  If I didn't already have IE, I would say Mozilla is pretty damn good and would certainly use it under Windows.  It even blocks popup ads (which I loathe)

I know that you must be using Red-Hat Linux 2.0 or somthing or maybe you just smoke crack, but all the modern distro's have smoothed fonts.

And Linux has better memory allocation and FS Drivers so it loads fast... Not that i have a problem with the speed XP loads at (fast) but Linux on the same box starts slightky faster. XP Luser, Try disableing some "deamons (service in XPtalk)" in linux and it will load fast. Also dont use DHCP in Linux!

Also try going to the pub instead when you have the urge to bug out forums. But Linux aint that bad. Its not perfect but i see plently of fucking glitches in XP. But Microsoft are starting to compete by using Mandrakes Login.


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« Reply #7 on: 18 June 2002, 14:46 »
wow! i thought mozilla looked pretty cool on this mac, but actually i like yr mozilla/linux screenshots even better!
on the other hand i am not using MacOSX, which looks ultracool in screenshots...
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« Reply #8 on: 22 June 2002, 19:46 »
I Know the only reason why all the web browsers look good on Windows and linux,

1) Windows is a visual OS and linux is only starting as one

2) MS gives the developers SDK's and stuff so he can develop designs and not program

Linux is an Open source so its have a 1000 looks and feels and the developer need to work hard in order to build a cool visual apps


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« Reply #9 on: 22 June 2002, 21:54 »
Originally posted by Free:
I Know the only reason why all the web browsers look good on Windows and linux,

1) Windows is a visual OS and linux is only starting as one

2) MS gives the developers SDK's and stuff so he can develop designs and not program

Linux is an Open source so its have a 1000 looks and feels and the developer need to work hard in order to build a cool visual apps



Who told you M$ gave away API's and SDK's? Sure they have some, but they reserve the bulk as anti-competative mesure. As far as Linux, XFree, is very well documented as well as KDE and GNOME, plus it is open source. A developer can easely make visually apealing apps..

Hell just look at KDE and GNOME, they are beutifull GUI's and a testament to Linux's graphical capabilities.


On second thought, I don't think I understand your staetement.

What do you mean by this:

2) MS gives the developers SDK's and stuff so he can develop designs and not program

[ June 22, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]



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« Reply #10 on: 22 June 2002, 22:10 »
But Microsoft are starting to compete by using Mandrakes Login.

May I ask, what the hell are you smoking?

PS Those screenshots suck, look at the graphic glitches and messy text in the upper part of this screenshot of yours.

BTW those are not smoothed fonts; Mozilla is incapable of rendering AA fonts under Linux, do you hear me??  INCAPABLE!!!!

Linux may load mozilla kind of fast (not from MY experience however) but Windows has the quicklaunch option that makes it load as fast as IE (what, is Linux too lame to support this feature??)

Get real, Mozilla sucks under Linux compared to Windows XP

[ June 22, 2002: Message edited by: Windows XP User #5225982375 ]

Master of Reality

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« Reply #11 on: 22 June 2002, 22:55 »
Originally posted by Windows XP User #5225982375:

Linux may load mozilla kind of fast (not from MY experience however) but Windows has the quicklaunch option that makes it load as fast as IE (what, is Linux too lame to support this feature??)
[ June 22, 2002: Message edited by: Windows XP User #5225982375 ]

uhhh.... if it already opens fast in Linux (as fast as IE does on my windows machine.), what the hell would be the point in a quicklaunch feature. (i ean other than taking up memory)
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