Author Topic: Why MS Office still rules over  (Read 1282 times)


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Why MS Office still rules over
« on: 19 November 2003, 14:46 »
I've installed on many PC's. They all say the same: "It kicks ass, except for the spell checker. You can't quickly switch from one language to another like MS Office can."

That's it. If they'd ( implemented that, then more people would use it over MS Office.


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Why MS Office still rules over
« Reply #1 on: 19 November 2003, 18:56 »
Maybe, but what's keeping back adoption in the US, where most people only write in English?


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Why MS Office still rules over
« Reply #2 on: 20 November 2003, 04:57 »
There's a MUCH greater obstacle for me, and it's called compatibility    

The school I go to uses Office 2003. I've tried opening documents in OpenOffice.Org from newer office products and i've had problems. It ignores my powerpoint color schemes, objects in my presentation seem to have shifted positions, the object precedence\order has been changed for some reason, the margins can be screwy, and spacing is different. With OpenOffice.Org, a double-spaced paper in the same font requires more text to fill a page by default (one of those "WTF" things). People just want stuff to work. I would save in the OpenOffice format, but I can't read those files virtually anywhere else. I would save in the HTML format too, except it doesn't support Autoshapes and some other stuff that's useful in non-formal papers.

I've even heard people bring OpenOffice.Org up at school, but they still wont use it. Office suites are one of those things where ease of usage, the used-to-ness factor and productivity (other two factors weigh in here) defeat openness. As for security, the general public hasn't really found any reason to worry with Office (haven't heard a single thing about Macro viruses lately).

OpenOffice.Org is dissapointing to me, but part of that is probably based off it's relationship with Sun Microsystems. (That's not an attack at the people who work there, but MadHatter and Java haven't inspired me to use or adopt them at my workstation)

[ November 19, 2003: Message edited by: anphanax ]


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Why MS Office still rules over
« Reply #3 on: 20 November 2003, 05:33 »
MS just released there XML schemas so 2003 won't be a compatability problem for long.


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Why MS Office still rules over
« Reply #4 on: 16 December 2003, 18:31 »
Yes, but it's Microsoft XML. I heard that it is very different from W3C XML, so it's kinda incompatible with the rest of the world.


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Why MS Office still rules over
« Reply #5 on: 29 December 2003, 03:53 »
Well you have a good argument refalm, for your 5% sector of the world. In the real countrys, that speak one language because we are facist barsteds. We need one language.



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Why MS Office still rules over
« Reply #6 on: 29 December 2003, 04:46 »
Originally posted by Refalm:
Yes, but it's Microsoft XML. I heard that it is very different from W3C XML, so it's kinda incompatible with the rest of the world.

Its XML, what the hell can they change?


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Why MS Office still rules over
« Reply #7 on: 30 December 2003, 19:08 »
To me, OpenOffice has another major stopper (I've heard it from others too), and that is the lack of an outline mode in the word processor.  I use an outliner very heavily in my writing and my quality is nowhere near as good without that feature.  I need it.

Oh, and the Navigator is a very poor substitute.


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Why MS Office still rules over
« Reply #8 on: 30 December 2003, 21:18 »
To All:

When a company that produces proprietary, closed, cross-incompatible software, how the hell do you expect free software to fully comply with theirs?!

The king among these companies is of course Microsoft. Microsoft has established a dead lock in the productivity suites field with MS Office. Do you have ANY ideas how difficult it is to perform reverse-engineering and produce a fully compatible Free and/or Open Source Office suite?!

To X11:

What could they have done to XML? Well, what have they done to C or C++?!!

It is up to you to resist and it is up to you to write better software. If you are up to it, do it. If not, stop whining and become actively involved in trying to produce ARGUMENTS that will contribute to the faster adoption of Free Software!

Nuff said...