Author Topic: why does MS not like Netscape?  (Read 2154 times)


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why does MS not like Netscape?
« on: 19 June 2002, 02:28 »
if Microsoft does not actually SELL internet explorer, why do they care about taking down Netscape? it's not like they're making a proffit off this.


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why does MS not like Netscape?
« Reply #1 on: 19 June 2002, 02:51 »
It's not about profit, it's about control.
M$ wants to control what you see, how you see it and what you will see first.
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why does MS not like Netscape?
« Reply #2 on: 19 June 2002, 03:05 »
Ice9 basically has it.

Most people use IE not becaous it's the best browser but it's what comes "integrated" into their wintell box. They don't bother to try something else because IE is a path of least resistance.

That way M$ can impose any "standard" they want. Things that will only work on IE. Think .NET M$Java and even an earlier plan to make their own proprietary HTML format.

So eventually M$ ends up controlling the eyes with which we see the net. I think a moment of contemplation on this will soon reveal why this is so bad.


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why does MS not like Netscape?
« Reply #3 on: 19 June 2002, 13:14 »
actually they do charge for internet explorer. Everybody who buys windows pays for it, and anybody who gets a 'free' copy of internet explorer can only run it in windows. Hence, everybody that uses it has paid for it. That's monopolistic and should be illegal.

Also, apart from all that, Netscape Communications represents open source software succeeding. Netscape opened the code of their browser as an experiment, succeeded, and gave GNU/Linux the boost in market confidence that it needed at that time, amongst other things.

Netscape is now owned by AOL, and i suspect that the two giants will try to tear each other down with no mercy.
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why does MS not like Netscape?
« Reply #4 on: 19 June 2002, 14:25 »
And Microsoft then can control the internet standards and with this then they can stop shipping it for Apple and solaris and then too use the Internet you can only use Windows. Thats directly related to the Windows Monopoly. Mind you, every person i tell about Microsoft's Internet Explorer Monopoly (MIEM) They usually switch to Netscape and/or Mozilla. I have nothing against A0L except the fact that they are part of the MIEM and eventually Windows will only support the protocols such as: MSN, MSN, and MSN. And A0L seem to have forced us to use More Microsoft product's and this will shove A0L into the ground. Hence, Suiside... Unless A0L realize this they will be completely "Rooted" over and therfore they should be stoped now. Or they should switch to a different Operating System.


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why does MS not like Netscape?
« Reply #5 on: 20 June 2002, 03:03 »
Believe it or not Chooco, they are making a profit out of it since, like Calum mentioned, it does come bundled with their OS which you have to pay to get of course.

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why does MS not like Netscape?
« Reply #6 on: 20 June 2002, 06:11 »
You can download IE for FREE off their web site, or order a CD with IE on it and only pay for shipping and handling for Windows/Mac AND SOON LINUX!


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why does MS not like Netscape?
« Reply #7 on: 20 June 2002, 08:59 »
HA HA HA HA!!!  If you think Internet Exploder is a joke running on Winblows you should try and run it on an alternate OS like Solaris.  It don't work work worth a crap. I'm sure the same will be true of the Linux version, like it will ever happen.
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why does MS not like Netscape?
« Reply #8 on: 20 June 2002, 21:10 »
MSIE for linux. i could see that one. it would probably come as a kernel module. and it would probably reasign the root acount on the box to microsoft. if you need the look of IE use the mozilla theme im useing right now. i could fool a stupid user with it. "wow internet exploder doesn't suck anymore what did you do to it?". besides, this theme has to violoateing copyright laws somewhere
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why does MS not like Netscape?
« Reply #9 on: 20 June 2002, 13:22 »
are you sure this IE for linux thing isn't just some rumour leaping from the hubbub of the unsupported backdated trial versions of IE that were released for Solaris and HP-UX? i seriously doubt that IE will be made available for linux. I think that would generate more harm than good for M$, surely they can see that...

on the other hand, maybe they can't, i wouldn't rule out a linux version of IE (or MSNmessmaker, lookout express, frontpage and winblows mediocre player) however if it were true i would laugh a lot...
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why does MS not like Netscape?
« Reply #10 on: 20 June 2002, 16:03 »
I don't see how releasing IE for Linux could do M$ any harm, except maybe for the fact that they would acknowledge Linux as real competition, something they always kinda ruled out.
Can you think of even 1 Linux user (except Win Xpee loser when he's on linux) who would use IE?
I mean I know a lot of people who don't even use IE on Winblows anymore and use Mozilla and Opera instead, so why would a linux user use an inferior product?
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why does MS not like Netscape?
« Reply #11 on: 20 June 2002, 16:24 »
i would quarinine one of my systems and precede to install it. you see i havn't been exposed to the true horrors of MSIE in a while. the only thing in the last three months iv down with windows is make a computer work by walking in the room/*i got paid 20 bucks to clean it of spyware though*/, configure a router and use MSIE to download the second redhat 7.3 image, and use the ti-89 dev tools on winnt on my pentium 60 til i put debian back on it. so i havn't seen how bad it sucks now/*probably worse*/
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why does MS not like Netscape?
« Reply #12 on: 20 June 2002, 18:15 »
ok i understand now.

in the interest of sarcasm, are extraterrestrials and the government involved in this too?  :D

that .NET thing is a stupid idea, why the hell did i buy that C# book anyway    :mad:


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why does MS not like Netscape?
« Reply #13 on: 20 June 2002, 19:54 »
If I remember correctly, Bill Gates is a Killer Bug from Venus.
He came here to prepare the invasion, obviously his starting point was the invasion of our privacy!!

If we let him succeed, soon there will be nothing else but Bugs (like him) and cattle to feed the Bugs.
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why does MS not like Netscape?
« Reply #14 on: 26 June 2002, 00:44 »
Because, for a long time in the dyas of old, Netscape SERIOUSLY kicked IE's ass. Thats why they had to borrow code from Mosaic to use in IE4.0 when they were releasing windows 95. In Help >> About Internet Explorer it still says "Based on NCSA Mosaic. NCSA Mosaic(TM); was developed at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign."
Well ha ha theres a history lesson goodbye.

Also M$ generally hate any competition, But Bill Gates is clever so he invests in competitors. He has even infected Red Hat with a cash injection :-(
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