Author Topic: The Xbox - Dirty Secrets  (Read 3625 times)


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The Xbox - Dirty Secrets
« on: 20 July 2004, 21:29 »
I havnt seen anything on this site about how microsoft is fucking people over with their Xbox system. I own an xbox and i like it, but lately its been fucking up. I got it 6 months ago and its already broken. After talking to numerous other people and checking forums i discovered its happened to ALOT of people. So i decided to find out what i can do about it. Microsoft gave me one option. Send it in and pay 100+ dollars to get it fixed. When all they have to do is clean the lens in their piece of crap xbox. I dunno what to think, there are tons of different problems with this xbox system... So i gotta say that microsoft is fucking people over on all AND videogames... FUCK MICROSOFT they fucked me over.


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The Xbox - Dirty Secrets
« Reply #1 on: 20 July 2004, 21:44 »
Why is the lens dirty? It sounds like it was your fault.
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The Xbox - Dirty Secrets
« Reply #2 on: 20 July 2004, 21:47 »
Lounge -> Microsoft Hardware

Tue Jul 20 16:45:57 GMT 2004
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The Xbox - Dirty Secrets
« Reply #3 on: 20 July 2004, 22:04 »
I certainly hope that the store provided some sort of warranty on that past the normal 90-days-so-we-can-cover-our-ass policy.  If they did, all you have to do is take it in and say "it's defective, either fix it or give me one that works."  It sounds audacious, but it works; especially if you DON'T bring up the details of the problem.  Trust me - the less service knows, the better.    ;)  

On the other hand, if you have the gall to try it yourself (and void any warranties you may have in the process), let me know - I can walk you step-by-step through the process.  A friend of mine gave me a repair guide a while back.  The bottom line is that it's fairly straightforward; just don't.  Lose.  ANYTHING.  ESPECIALLY the case screws.

[ July 20, 2004: Message edited by: Midnight Candidate ]

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The Xbox - Dirty Secrets
« Reply #4 on: 20 July 2004, 22:27 »
the lens isnt dirty...thats what m$ has told people the problem could be, but i dont beleive that shit. They also told me it could be overheadted.....i highly doubt that aswell....The problem with my xbox orginated from xboxlive....a certain game i had would freeze when i go onto xbox live, then just recently it started not working, the whole machine....and its happened to countless if u bought a computer and it stopped working 3-6 months later (m$ warranty void after 3) would u pay 70% of the price u paid to get it fixed, or would u buy a new one


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The Xbox - Dirty Secrets
« Reply #5 on: 20 July 2004, 22:29 »
I opened it up to try and clean it, but that didnt work, and ya i voided my non existant warranty.  Im not much for technical stuff but i might give it a shot  


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The Xbox - Dirty Secrets
« Reply #6 on: 20 July 2004, 22:56 »
run a DVD lens cleaning it it occasionally
Go the fuck ~


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The Xbox - Dirty Secrets
« Reply #7 on: 20 July 2004, 22:58 »
I was reading about the microsfot registry thing, how they wont help u at all.... man this is kinda the same thing because they say not to use any solutions or anything to clean ur games or xbox....


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The Xbox - Dirty Secrets
« Reply #8 on: 20 July 2004, 23:05 »
microsoft put in a bunch of shitty hardware into some models, i think i got the shitty box.


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The Xbox - Dirty Secrets
« Reply #9 on: 21 July 2004, 01:35 »
yeah, thompson drive.

those are the drives used in the very first batch's of the xboxen

later on it was discovered that they had problems after prolonged use (something very difficult to test for)

so MS switched to samsung, who makes better xbox drives. (and those play cd-r's as well!)
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The Xbox - Dirty Secrets
« Reply #10 on: 21 July 2004, 14:15 »
Listen Every console has Versions, the xbox has versions 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 thats all. The thompson drives are crap I have on myself but for 90 bucks I replaced it with a samsung. I bet if you look for PS2 models you will get shocked at the amount you see. Please dont complain when your generation 1 Xbox or PS2 brakes its bound to happen. Just to add al little story of my own, I had a ver 1 xbox and its power supply busted (my fault) and the cd rom acted up like the thompson drive does (this is after 2years of use) and it broke. My ps2 broke the Power supply broke and it was a model that came out two years after the ps2 was out.

yeah, thompson drive.
those are the drives used in the very first batch's of the xboxen

later on it was discovered that they had problems after prolonged use (something very difficult to test for)

my X box came out first day ok, and I used it for two years without a problem. now to do a test for I dunno how many days weeks months your not gonna find a porblem, at least if you know how to handle a system and its game disc's. dont act like Xbox is the only system to have problems in its first genaration system I mean look at the PS2 for christs Sake!

[ July 21, 2004: Message edited by: Hmph? ]

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The Xbox - Dirty Secrets
« Reply #11 on: 22 July 2004, 00:32 »
So essentially MS wants to charge you $100 to refurbish your broken console, when you can buy a new one for $150.
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The Xbox - Dirty Secrets
« Reply #12 on: 23 July 2004, 14:27 »
$100 for refurbishment...........sounds like a nice little scam to help M$ recoup the loss they made on every console.

But of course we know M$ would never do something devious like that  ;)    ;)    ;)


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The Xbox - Dirty Secrets
« Reply #13 on: 25 July 2004, 10:53 »
no they want you to buy a new one. What about sony they charge the same price for new game that Microsoft does, even thou they use cheaper discs(they could charge less for their game, because the price diffrence in Dual layer 9.8gb xbox discs is much more than the single layer 4.2gb disc that sony uses).

$100 for refurbishment...........sounds like a nice little scam to help M$ recoup the loss they made on every console.

I would agree with your scam theory if Every X box anyone has owned broke, which is simply not true.
Also microsoft wants you to buy a new one, with a free two year warrenty that if your xbox ever fails you can get a new one free of charge, and this is for every time and any time you it breaks.
What about the Bs sony pulled when it said that a shipment of PS2s were lost, while they didnt raise the price, no photos were ever shown of the incident and they made people starve to get a console.
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The Xbox - Dirty Secrets
« Reply #14 on: 25 July 2004, 11:11 »
yeah, Sony's hardware in all the playstations are an absolute POS.

PS3 sould be slot-loaded, so it can run sideways, and upside-down.

like the original Playstation should have been, to counter the skipping issues.

Sony's consoles are always plauged with problems.
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