Author Topic: internet just.. stopped  (Read 1103 times)

Master of Reality

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internet just.. stopped
« on: 3 May 2002, 07:21 »
the only thing i changed anywhere on my network was, i changed a page and restarted apache. And now my linux machine doesnt connect to the internet, it just says "connection refused by website" and the internet works fine on the other computers in my network. Got any ideas as to what might have happened?????
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Linux User #283518
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internet just.. stopped
« Reply #1 on: 3 May 2002, 07:55 »
Apache has nothing to do with a browser client connection to the internet. You had to have changed something else.  And why would you restart Apache after changing a web page? Not necessary.
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...

Master of Reality

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internet just.. stopped
« Reply #2 on: 3 May 2002, 08:48 »
what the fuck?
i restarted my computer (that always seemed to work for windows) looked through all the browser settings of both Mozilla and Konqueror 3, it still wont work. In konqueror it says cant connect to proxy at port 3128, but my other computer with windows connects fine. I tried using webmin "" and for some oddd reason the same message came up... this isnt right its the loopback interface its not supposed to try to connect I can ping my server fine (which means it isnt just a loose cable), i cant ping the external interface on my server. I checked over the proxy settings again, i cant remember changing a thing, but the internet still wont work on my linux machine. i can also do an "nslookup" and "whois" from my linux machine.

somebody do "whois"!!!!!
i got some pretty fucked up results when i did that, tell me what you got.
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Linux User #283518
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internet just.. stopped
« Reply #3 on: 3 May 2002, 11:03 »
haha!!! This is great stuff!!!

How does someone add to the whois list? How could I put my own little stupid comment next to a domain name?

Sorry for the ignorance, but Im new to all this Unix stuff what with OS X weening me off GUI's little by little  :D

Master of Reality

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internet just.. stopped
« Reply #4 on: 5 May 2002, 05:43 »
and it gets weirder...
i re-installed Red Hat (for a few different reasons), and i tried to go onto the net, and the same thing happened.. so i thought that it must be my proxy, but now it just started working again and i have no clue why.
Now i have to dl KDE 3.0 again (or drive 30 minutes and get the KDE 3.0  that i burned onto a CD and gave to my brother)
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Paranoid: Moderate
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Linux User #283518
'It takes more than a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head to stop Bob'