Hello. First off I am not an expert so please bear with me. I have a Polaroid PDC 2300Z 2.3 megapixil camera. I would love to be able to link up through Gphoto, but I can't get it to work, and I haven't been able to find anyone on the net that has been able to get it to work either. I guess Gphoto isn't life or death, I am open to suggestions regarding other methods. Any ideas?
One thing I was thinking. I know this camera writes it's pictures to the Compact Flash card as JPEG's. I was thinking it would be easier to get either a Compact Flash reader, or Smart Media reader and an adapter, and get that working. I am willing to buy a reader if that would be any easier. Does anyone have any experience with any certin model Compact Flash or Smart Media readers in Linux? Or any to avoid? Or any other idea's? Thank you all very much in advance for your help. Pat