It depends on if you really mean "white or black" neighborhood or the status of the neighborhood regarding things like crime rate, appearance, school system, etc. Are you infering that all low class neighborhoods are made up of black people (African American if you must) and all high class neighborhoods are made up of other than black?
No, color of skin makes no difference to me. However, I'm not going to say that color of skin has nothing to do with the numbers that have gone to prison, however, where I live they are discovering that a large number of black people were tried and convicted of crimes they did not commit (DNA evidence etc).
So is it "because" they are black that they make up a larger prison percentage, that is, are they genetically destined to crime? Or are there outside factors that have caused this trend (i.e. not being able to get jobs because employers, and people like you are discriminatory, thus making it harder to make a good living and because of this desperate people will do desperate things)?
And thanks for helping your Windows friend with the virus by the way, it was one step in the right direction.