ok here's the xtra stuff.
the signature of the package ltmodem-kv_2.4.19_16mdk_8.26a9_1.i586.rpm is not correct.
No GPG signature in package.
Do you want to instal anyway?
yes i know i've got a crappy winmodem, but i have had it working, i'm posting using linux now. but i booted up yesterday and it said cold not find modem on dev/modem even though it had worked the night before. i reinstalled the drivers then uninstalled them a few times to no avail.
i had said screw this i'm gonna get a better modem but i'll try one more time. got the same message but this time it worked. bugger knows why but it did.
i'm not sure if i want to shut down now though.
sod it maybe i should soak it up and just buy a hardware modem.