MMkay ive got a slight problemo
Im trying to install a SNES emulator which requires SDL (Simple Directmedia Layer).
I have a mandrake version of SDL but ZSnes's ./configure doesnt want to pick it up, it says im missing SDL.
So a troddle over to libsdl.org and download the i386 RPM Binary SDL and try and install it and i get a conflict.
I dont know what to do??
I dont wanna break this install.
It's not enough to just install a new lib like SDL, otherwise, the system won't know about it. You have to make sure that the install path for SDL is included in your /etc/ld.so.conf file. It's a small text file that contains the library paths (/usr/local/lib might be an entry, for example). Secondly, you need to register the new library with the system. Simply su to root, then enter: "/sbin/ldconfig" (no quotes) Doing this will allow the system to see the newly installed libs so apps can access them.
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