Hi All,
I've been looking at your comments and hammering away at this computer for a good part of the afternoon. I think that I have XCDroast about ready to run. I haven't actually burned a CD yet, but it finally recognizes both the source and target drives and can read the tracks on the source drive.
I did download all the cdtools .rpm files the other day, I had logged in as root to start things, had edited my /boot/grub/menu.lst file for SCSI emulation, created the necessary symbolic links and all that. It just wouldn't run :-(
Now I've been screwing with other things, dunno what I actually did to make it work... but it looks like it's gonna run. Maybe the difference is that today I'm drinking some good Dutch beer (Christoffel Blond) that my daughter brought me back from Holland and not Canadian beer
I doubt that this could have done it, but among other things, I did download and install the updated kernel from Red Hat (vmlinuz-2.4.18-19.8.0) . That caused much unhappiness and I had to go back to the earlier one (vmlinuz-2.4.18-14). I'm starting to feel like I can hose just about anything
MoR/Bob... stick to cold beverages... they're a LOT safer
Creedon... I looked at the man page for cdrecord and it really does look to be a lot more my style. I'll be giving that a much closer look soon. I think I'll just take it a bit easy on this thing for the rest of the night and see if I can avoid doing any serious damage to it.
Quick question... All I did to avoid booting to the new kernel was remove references to it in the grub menu.lst file. Should I uninstall it? If so would the best way be to use rpm or should I just leave well enough alone? Everything seems to be working pretty well now.
Thanks again to all!