I've always thought, and knew ever since I used NeXTStep on an old next box and then OS X, that Linux needed to jettison some of the UNIXish underpinnings. use the Linux kernel, but build a complete OS over it, instead of just pulling from GNU UNIX code. Develop a set of high level APIs, a Quartz-like PDF based graphics framework, and some kind of package system.
Hell, you could keep the UNIX layer so you could run older Linux apps... so essentially you're creating... Mac OS X.
Yeah... I'd love to see an open source Mac OS X copy, and it could be done with Linux as the kernel. Just develop a good graphics framework (for God's sake, don't use X11, LET IT DIE!), and some very good APIs (maybe use Apple's Yellow Box as published with Rhapsody, and of course... USE PACKAGES.
Packages has to be one of the best ideas I've seen in a decade. Everything that the app needs is stored in its own folder tree... but the user only sees a single icon. No shitty dependencies to worry about, no compiling, no spewing of files all over the filesystem. No registry, and no DLLs. This is how you beat MS, you do something BETTER. The reason OS X is so much more attractive than Linux is because it feels much more polished. Linux feels like UNIX with a GUI on top. I don't EVER use the terminal in OS X. Last time I used it was when I sent something via FTP.
The endless customization offered by X11 can actually be a roadblock, because there IS NO INTERFACE STANDARD. the "OSS X" (seems appropriate) would need a rather strict set of UI guidelines.
Appearance? Why not base the appearance on Bluecurve? Use Gnome or KDE as the basis for the UI framework (my vote is for Gnome, even though I like KDE more... Gnome is... just more open, and a little more original). Let it be skinnable, but all it changes is appearance, not UI behavior. I know all you guys hate the idea of someone taking away your endless customization, but it's too much for average users. You could still tweak it in the same ways you've been doing for years, though. It just wouldn't be *quite as easy*.
But, I think some of the biggest strengths that most Linux users dwell on are also some of its biggest weaknesses on the desktop. Lack of a good graphics framework is one problem, lack of a good UI framework, and a good high-level API. It needs those things. Nothing more to say.
[ February 10, 2003: Message edited by: Jimmy James: Mac Commando ]