Is linux a case of too little too late?
There has been allot of really nice distros of Linux out there...some Lindows...some Red Hat. However, during this time Microsoft has made progress in improving their OS. Look at how laughable it would be if FAT32 was used on today's large volumes, but microsoft had a better file system in NTFS 5.0.
I know that WinXp needs a steady diet of security patches, but it does seem to be more stable than win98. Bloated? Yes very...but, it can be trimmed down and set-up properly.
It's no secret that M$ takes advantage of today's processors and system resources like RAM and HD space.So, 2 gigs for the average XP install is BLOATED. But, 2 gigs for the system on an 80gig drive that I bought for $80.00, does not seem so bad.
What I am trying to get at is this...Microsoft I think is trying to quell Linux especially since it runs on x86 machines. Right now it looks like they are responding to the Linux and MACOS threat, by improving on stability and providing critical updates for security.
But, will Linux be a serious threat for long?
We here know that Linux is the superior OS.But,is it enough to keep the alternative OS revolution going, when M$ does seem to be making progress?