Author Topic: Run OSX on x86  (Read 7931 times)


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Run OSX on x86
« Reply #90 on: 5 October 2004, 04:17 »
Originally posted by bedouin:
Though my elitist side hopes Apple shuts this down come Tiger.  OS X is a pleasure that doesn't need to be tainted by ignorant masses.

Your elitist side should be using an OS that isn't all eye candy and "user friendliness".

All they need to do is change something in the OS that makes it not work with PearPC anymore.

What makes you think they'll be able to do that?

[ October 04, 2004: Message edited by: flap ]

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« Reply #91 on: 5 October 2004, 05:16 »
Ah, flap back for Round 2 against OS X.  

There's some great things besides eye candy and user friendliness in OS X.  The underlying system, for one, is a interesting combination of BSD, Mach, and NeXT, taking good ideas from all.  Most dramatic the the way it deals with application packages (taken from NeXTStep) - there's one folder called /Applications, which contains one "bundle" file for each app.  The bundle contains everything need to run in a single file.  So, to install/uninstall, only one file is dealt with - and all apps total up to a few dozen files.  Totally wonderful to work with.

I'd go on but I have studying to do...I'll leave this to Laukev or someone.  ;)
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« Reply #92 on: 5 October 2004, 06:40 »
Originally posted by flap:
Your elitist side should be using an OS that isn't all eye candy and "user friendliness"

Yeah, then I could be a Linux elitist instead!


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« Reply #93 on: 5 October 2004, 14:20 »
Well that's what I'm suggesting, yes.
"While envisaging the destruction of imperialism, it is necessary to identify its head, which is none other than the United States of America." - Ernesto Che Guevara


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« Reply #94 on: 14 October 2004, 04:34 »
Beware Redmond, Mac OS X is here and faster than ever! Cherry os, much faster than pearpc, brand new


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« Reply #95 on: 14 October 2004, 04:38 »
Originally posted by Legodude522:
Beware Redmond, Mac OS X is here and faster than ever! Cherry os, much faster than pearpc, brand new

Who still cares?
Both Linux and BSD are still better.      

IMO, Mac is for people who are are willing to pay a lot of money for an already perfect hardware tuned unix-like system.
This simply can't be ported to non OS X optimized hardware like x86 systems.

Just use Linux(or BSD) on your PC.

[ October 13, 2004: Message edited by: insomnia ]

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« Reply #96 on: 14 October 2004, 05:36 »
Who still cares?

Er, people who actually have taste?

Both Linux and BSD are still better.

Hahahaha. I'm sure Jordan Hubbard would love to hear that.

IMO, Mac is for people who are are willing to pay a lot of money for an already perfect hardware tuned unix-like system.

Try actually using a Mac before spouting your ignorant nonsense, you might come across as less asinine. Firstly, Macs are not significantly more expensive than other computers with all features compared. Even Linux Insider agrees on that. Secondly, it is beyond me why you are arguing about hardware costs when we are discussing emulators. Unless you are simply trolling.

This simply can't be ported to non OS X optimized hardware like x86 systems.

Darwin has been ported to x86 years ago. :roll:

Just use Linux(or BSD) on your PC.

Um, no thanks. I already have, and I'm switching away. All I have to do is upgrade my 9500 to a G4.  


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« Reply #97 on: 14 October 2004, 06:26 »
Originally posted by Legodude522: Cherry os, much faster than pearpc, brand new

So far, widely regarded as vaporware.
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« Reply #98 on: 14 October 2004, 12:20 »
Originally posted by WMD:

So far, widely regarded as vaporware.

I'm going to make a prediction.  I predict CherryOS will turn out to be nothing but a re-branding of PearPC with a somewhat simplified installation process, sort of like what WinTel did with Bochs.

Or, it is just vaporware.


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« Reply #99 on: 14 October 2004, 13:21 »
I will officially laugh my ass off if Cherry turns out to be a theme package.

Proudly posted from a Gentoo Linux system.

Quote from: Calum
even if you're renting you've got more rights than if you're using windows.

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« Reply #100 on: 14 October 2004, 18:21 »
Could someone delete Laukev7's last post in this tread for trolling.

Edit: ...or just leave it as an example of stupidity...

As a moderator he should know more about his own system.
Darwin may be portable(after all, it's based on an x86 system) but not OSX.

From Aplle's Darwin faq:

Q. How does Darwin relate to Mac OS X?

A. Darwin is the core of Mac OS X. All software built for Darwin should be able to run unmodified on Mac OS X. However, because Darwin by itself does not encompass all of the features of Mac OS X, software that depends on higher-level features of Mac OS X (such as the Cocoa and Carbon toolkits) will not run on a stand-alone Darwin system.  

The way he keeps ignoring the simple fact that PCs are cheaper is just childish.
It's also weird to see a mod trying to start flaming in his own section...

[ October 14, 2004: Message edited by: insomnia ]

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« Reply #101 on: 14 October 2004, 18:59 »
Originally posted by insomnia:
Could someone delete Laukev7's last post in this tread for trolling.

Please. I'm not the one who came barging in the thread to spread FUD about another operating system, OK? You came here to flame people and insult them for their choices, which is considered trolling according to the forum's definition of trolling:

intentionally naive or politically contentious message (example: "The Republican party is the best/worst party!") without any arguments to support their message

As for me, I simply stated the facts:

  • It is a fact that the former lead developper of FreeBSD is now working for Apple, despite your claims of OS X being 'inferior';
  • It is a fact that the 'Macs are more expensive' myth has been debunked over and over, even by Linux users;
  • It is a fact that hardware costs have little to do with choosing to emulate an OS, and that OS X itself can hardly be considered expensive;
  • And lastly, it is a fact that Darwin works perfectly well on x86, and that an x86 version of OS X has been maintained internally since ages ago.
And given that I am at the moment the only regular moderator of the Mac OS section, and that moderators are not allowed to bin threads without posting a date and a justification, let alone arbitrarily deleting posts, I doubt that your request will have much consequence. And I am very confident that Refalm has as much respect for freedom of speech as I do.  ;)


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« Reply #102 on: 14 October 2004, 19:16 »
See my last edit.

As a mod, you're very bad(that is, on this topic).
I'm sure you're a nice person tho  

[ October 14, 2004: Message edited by: insomnia ]

Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.

Injustice is happening now; suffering is happening now. We have choices to make now. To insist on absolute certainty before starting to apply ethics to life decisions is a way of choosing to be amoral.
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« Reply #103 on: 14 October 2004, 21:13 »
Sorry, even OS X has already been ported to x86. See this Slashdot discussion:

Think what you want about the existence of Marklar, but early OS X versions (or Rhapsody) were available for x86. And nothing in the Darwin FAQ says that OS X is not portable.

The way he keeps ignoring the simple fact that PCs are cheaper is just childish.

I haven't said that PC's aren't cheaper. I said that for similar configurations, Macs are not significantly more expensive than PC's. It's true that Apple doesn't sell computers as low-end as other OEMs do, but saying that they are 'expensive' is false. Price differences between hardware manufacturers cannot be considered a 'simple fact', and saying that Macs are more expensive than PCs is a generalisation that ignores many important factors.

And that doesn't address my other point: what do hardware costs have to do with emulation?

It's also weird to see a mod trying to start flaming in his own section...

Unless we misunderstand each other, I found the tone of your original post very inflammatory, especially with your 'who still cares' rhetorical question.

The fact that I am a mod does not preclude me from giving my opinions. If you don't want me to post angry answers, then tone down the rhetoric.

As a mod, you're very bad(that is, on this topic).

Just because I have strong opinions on a particular topic does make me a 'bad' mod. You would have been right if I had tried to censor you for your opinions, which I haven't. By contrast, you requested that my post be censored without giving a valid reason. Your unqualified 'linux is better' statements, on the other hand, seems to correspond to the troll criterion I mentioned in my last post.

I'm sure you're a nice person tho

I'm sure you are, too. I have nothing personal against you, but tone down the rhetoric. Being a social worker, surely you understand that making blanket statements will provoke angry responses? Have you never experienced similar conflicts, as a football fan?


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« Reply #104 on: 14 October 2004, 22:18 »
Originally posted by Laukev7 / BOB:
Sorry, even OS X has already been ported to x86. See this Slashdot discussion:

Read it's comments.
It's probably untrue.
Not that anything that Apple does in secret has anything to do with this.

Originally posted by Laukev7 / BOB:
Surely you understand that making blanket statements will provoke angry responses?

You haven't done anything else in your last posts.
I stated(and still do) that this PearPC will never  
replace a real mac and that OSX will never be fully ported to PC(remaining Linux and BSD as your best PC choice).
I've also explaint why this only counts for OSX and not Darwin(still not perfect on PC).

As for the price.
I bought a P4 for 420 Euro
My software and administration costs: 0 Euro
Can you find me a new Mac for that price?
What's so blanket about all that?

Originally posted by Laukev7 / BOB:
Have you never experienced similar conflicts, as a football fan?

That's what football is all about.
It's dumb but it's fun.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.

Injustice is happening now; suffering is happening now. We have choices to make now. To insist on absolute certainty before starting to apply ethics to life decisions is a way of choosing to be amoral.
R. Stallman