Author Topic: Where Apple Doesn't Always Play Nice  (Read 3302 times)


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Where Apple Doesn't Always Play Nice
« Reply #1 on: 25 May 2002, 04:59 »
Originally posted by Windows XP User #5225982375:

Who are you Windows XP User? I must know, your so uterly clueless.

This guy is arguing that iChat and iTunes ar knock offs of third party stuff?

give me a fucking break! iChat is a Chat client, there are dozens, of chat clients. A few are compatible with several standards such as AOL. Likewise iTunes like software has and still does exist. MacAmp anyone?

None the less,

The guy in the article ends up actually praising Apple for makeing better, more stable versions.

Christ dude, get your head on straight.

It's not like Apple claimed the invented the chat client or MP3 player, they just offer their own. And if you don't like it, drag it to the trash and it's gone. Unlike some other OS's I know of.

guess what I did a few days ago.

i threw away IE. And It's gone, not a trace of it on my system.

Good ridance.


Oh ya, not to mention that the writer is an obviously M$ biased windoid as he is a bit cluless as to what goes on in the Have a look at this:

Excellent collection of 3rd party stuff that can make your computer do anything short of standing up and tapdancing.

so go shove a M$ laser mouse up your butt and wag the chord like a tail.

[ May 24, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]



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Where Apple Doesn't Always Play Nice
« Reply #2 on: 25 May 2002, 05:10 »
Then why do you have this double standard of when Apple knocks off stuff you don't have a problem with it and actually praise them for it, but to this day I still hear Mac users cursing Microsoft for stealing the idea of a GUI from them.. give me a break.  And don't get me started on open source... they've never innovated anything.


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Where Apple Doesn't Always Play Nice
« Reply #3 on: 25 May 2002, 05:19 »
Originally posted by Windows XP User #5225982375:
Then why do you have this double standard of when Apple knocks off stuff you don't have a problem with it and actually praise them for it, but to this day I still hear Mac users cursing Microsoft for stealing the idea of a GUI from them.. give me a break.  And don't get me started on open source... they've never innovated anything.

Because unlike M$, Apple actually does make a better product. Dosn't attempt to squeltch all competition, dosn't undermind the makers of 3rd party apps. Often, in the case of iTunes etc., the application goes far beyond third party alternatives and is a total keeper.

M$ will put out crap like Windows, WMP, or IE then force people to use it. Windows was a blatant lift from the MacOS and OS2 warp were they blatantly fucked several companys over to force them down peoples throats not to mention OEM's etc.

Besides, this guy is a dipshit. Back in the days of OS 7 where there was no control strip, I used a 3rd party app that gave me a psudo controll strip. When the new OS came out, I scraped the Ap because apples control strip was better. Not that I couldent use the alternative of cource cuz apple did nothing to prevent me from doing that.

See, it's a matter of choice and ethics. If Apple came out with iTunes, wired it in to OS X, then made it a living hell to throw away or run MacAmp (which I like cuz you can record streming radio with it). Not only that, but apple went after MacAmp with FUD tactics, predetory tactics, and an army of lawyers like M$ does then I would be complaining.

Also, another cool thing, is you don't have to install what you don't want to use. The Installer actually lets you customize the OS down to it's bear essentials!!! WOW what a concept!

So get lost.


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Where Apple Doesn't Always Play Nice
« Reply #4 on: 25 May 2002, 05:38 »
Why do you say IE and WMP are shit?  IE is currently the best web browser in the world, it initially wasn't but Netscape was slow and overconfident, and Microsoft worked hard and beat them.  And WMP, while not perfect, plays video very well.  I personally use WinAmp for audio, however.  Quicktime on Windows sucks donkey balls and consumes much RAM; so does RealPlayer which is huge spyware and all that other 3rd party rubbish.  Microsoft is where it is because I believe they make the highest quality software.  It has taken them a while to get there but Windows XP is a great OS and only a fruitcake would complain about anything in it.  If there were something better, people would be using it.  The Mac OS may arguably be better but the Mac hardware and price tag sure aren't!  And now Microsoft will soon release a service pack to Windows XP that will let you easily install and uninstall all of Microsoft's bundled software.

It is beyond me why anyone would want to do this, since IE kicks Netscape's ass, and that open-source abomination Mozilla that is buggy as hell and takes 30 seconds to load.  However, not everyone wants MSN messenger or WMP installed, I guess.  So no more whining from anyone about MS forcing people to use their products; they never have anyway and now they are even letting competitors put their stuff in Microsoft's own OS!  I'd like to see Apple even let you buy a Mac that doesn't come with their OS or god forbid buy one from a 3rd party source.

[ May 24, 2002: Message edited by: Windows XP User #5225982375 ]


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Where Apple Doesn't Always Play Nice
« Reply #5 on: 25 May 2002, 05:56 »
#1 Mozilla wipes the floor with IE on OS X.

#2 It sure took alot of court time and littigation to force M$ to let their Iron grip lossen enugh to do something senseible like let the user customize the OS from the getgo.

If you like XP you can have it. Enjoy it, caress it, dream of it when you go to sleep.

I'm not going to bother shooting down all of your little arguments about why M$ is so wonderfull. There are plenty of articles on this site, and elsewhere that go thrugh it.

Im sure other forum members will be happy to.

But a word of advice,

Try another OS for a change, you just might see a diffrence that you didn't expect.


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Where Apple Doesn't Always Play Nice
« Reply #6 on: 25 May 2002, 05:57 »
Originally posted by Windows XP user 09380821098:
IE is currently the best web browser in the world, it initially wasn't but Netscape was slow and overconfident

Oh man, you really are a computer illiterate. Have you ever tried Mozilla, Konqueror, Opera, Galeon etc etc etc? Perhaps, you even think that M$ invented the Internet as well   :eek: !

..., and Microsoft worked hard and beat them

Oh yeah, they really worked hard didn't they? Perhaps, that's why their infamous web browser has more security holes than swiss fuckin' cheese, right? Boy, they really did work hard also to integrate their superb product into their "equally outstanding" excuse of an Operating System, so that you can't ever get rid of it? Oh, they also worked really hard just to let imbeciles like yourself think they're using the "best browser in the world"!

Microsoft is where it is because I believe they make the highest quality software

Where are you from anyway? Mars, Pluto, Venus, another solar system? Wherever you're from, keep dreaming!


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Where Apple Doesn't Always Play Nice
« Reply #7 on: 25 May 2002, 05:59 »
hehe... now that you mention M$'s hard work.

IE was born out of Mosaic. A webbrowser M$ stole, yes actualy stole, and whose parent company were subsequently destroyed and consumed by the Borg. Nice inovation M$, Im so glad you worked so hard on somebody elses grave.


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Where Apple Doesn't Always Play Nice
« Reply #8 on: 25 May 2002, 06:06 »
Thanks psyjax, that one slipped my mind   ;) . Well, Windows XP user 0808032081274321801320, click on the "Help" button in IE and then click on the "About Internet Explorer" option. Just to give you some directions, so that you won't get lost.   :D


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Where Apple Doesn't Always Play Nice
« Reply #9 on: 25 May 2002, 06:28 »
#1 Mozilla wipes the floor with IE on OS X.



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Where Apple Doesn't Always Play Nice
« Reply #10 on: 25 May 2002, 06:47 »
We did complain about the Mozilla bug. It was patched in record time. MacOS X is based on an open source OS, freeBSD UNIX. In essense it is UNIX as all *NIX's are pretty much the same in structure.

OS X did not destroy UNIX, like M$ did to mosaic. Nor did Apple try and shirk their obligations under the GPL licence. Darwin, the UNIX core, is open source and free to develop for. M$, a company devoted to illigalizing open source, has stolen OS components from the open source comunity, notably elements of FreeBSD and such. Recently they were even convicted of piracy in france.

As far as bugs, and patching go. Open source does it faster and more efficiently. M$ took forever to patch their most vulnerable bugs while Mozilla did it in under a month. Windows has allways been newutoriously buggy and bloated and M$ has allways draged their ass about fixing it. Then when a bug fix is finaly released they make you pay. Win 95 to Win 98 is everyones fav. example of an overpriced bugfix.

Also, M$'s bundling of IE into the interface, presents an inherant security risk. Because holes, like the one found in Mozilla, have existed and might still exist in IE it putts the entire OS at risk at more time. I can quit Mozilla and end any threat, you can't quit IE even if you tried.

Final, M$'s product activation and retrocative EULA are the most underhanded efforts to control the user experience I have ever heard of.

M$ is not a good company by any streach of the imagination. They live only fo money, and not a desire to actually make good products.


here are a few good links concerning M$'s long history of decite and trechery:

[ May 24, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]



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Where Apple Doesn't Always Play Nice
« Reply #11 on: 25 May 2002, 06:52 »
Originally posted by Windows XP User #5225982375:


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Where Apple Doesn't Always Play Nice
« Reply #12 on: 25 May 2002, 07:03 »
Originally posted by Windows XP User #5225982375:
Why do you say IE and WMP are shit?  IE is currently the best web browser in the world, it initially wasn't but Netscape was slow and overconfident, and Microsoft worked hard and beat them.  And WMP, while not perfect, plays video very well.  I personally use WinAmp for audio, however.  Quicktime on Windows sucks donkey balls and consumes much RAM; so does RealPlayer which is huge spyware and all that other 3rd party rubbish.  Microsoft is where it is because I believe they make the highest quality software.  It has taken them a while to get there but Windows XP is a great OS and only a fruitcake would complain about anything in it.  If there were something better, people would be using it.  The Mac OS may arguably be better but the Mac hardware and price tag sure aren't!  And now Microsoft will soon release a service pack to Windows XP that will let you easily install and uninstall all of Microsoft's bundled software.

It is beyond me why anyone would want to do this, since IE kicks Netscape's ass, and that open-source abomination Mozilla that is buggy as hell and takes 30 seconds to load.  However, not everyone wants MSN messenger or WMP installed, I guess.  So no more whining from anyone about MS forcing people to use their products; they never have anyway and now they are even letting competitors put their stuff in Microsoft's own OS!  I'd like to see Apple even let you buy a Mac that doesn't come with their OS or god forbid buy one from a 3rd party source.

[ May 24, 2002: Message edited by: Windows XP User #5225982375 ]

Mozilla kicks IE ass on Linux, and on windows. It doesnt take thiry seconds to load in windows if you use the quickstart, and it takes <1 second to load on Linux.

The new service pack just hides the software, which means that it is wasting valuable space on your system storing programs that you cant use.

Linux comes with thousands (literally) of third party apps that you can install while installing. Mac lets you install third party apps and doesnt jam their products down your throat (as psyjax alright mentioned).
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Where Apple Doesn't Always Play Nice
« Reply #13 on: 25 May 2002, 07:12 »
Originally posted by Zombie9920:
I made a topic pointing out how poorly Quicktime performs in Windows. The example in that topic is on a low quality mpeg. You should see how high the mem usage and CPU usage shoots up to in Quicktime with a high quality video(it exceeds 90%) while WMP still holds it's own at under 15%.

Some OS's can manage the CPU and RAM usage efficiently so that media files wont even crawl on an old machine. I can load up 3 or 4 .mpg's on my old iMac with minnimal speed hit.


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Where Apple Doesn't Always Play Nice
« Reply #14 on: 25 May 2002, 07:14 »
Oh boohoo, Microsoft bundles software with thier OS. It is thier OS so I think they should have the right to bundle whatever they want with it. It isn't like the bundled MS software cripples third party apps, so why piss and moan about it?
Besides..if you know what you are doing you can easily remove any bundled compenent from Windows(Like IE, Windows Messenger, WMP, etc.) without the need of any third party removers. Doesn't Apple bundle Finder with thier OS? Don't they bundle iTunes too?

[ May 24, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]