Author Topic: I want to kick apples ad agency in the balls  (Read 1217 times)


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I want to kick apples ad agency in the balls
« on: 8 November 2002, 03:22 »
I'm so sick of the idiotic commercials Apple uses! No wonder the PC community laughs at us! Those switch commercials are so dumb they would be funny if Macs werent actually quality products!!


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I want to kick apples ad agency in the balls
« Reply #1 on: 8 November 2002, 04:13 »
what did I SAY?!?!

Apple corp sucks! Steve ain't got a clue no more. They need their old agency back. We need another "1984" ad that clearly states "We're Back". And then, to mean it. Really get serious about being a computer company again.

Apple is so pansy-ass these days, they're not willing to reach out and really hit Windows users where it hurts. They won't directly attack problems. They hint around at "horrid little machines" that ain't as horrid as they once were.

Apple needs a new "big idea", and the balls to put it in peoples' faces the way they did the Mac back in 84.

"Think Different" just helped to distance them from people by putting off too many people. "Everything Is Easier On A Mac" and "Switch" just make them look stupid as bricks.

They need to advertise OS X as the "Windows Killer". Show the damn hardware, show the damn software, show how good it is, show how much the other guys suck. Bring back the lemmings commercials.

I think the problem is that Apple has gone too corporate. They're too worried about some level of "professionalism" to come back down to the level of real people that do things with their computers. They've fallen prey to the disease that is the new capitalism. They're out of touch with their clientele. Big problem.
Go the fuck ~


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I want to kick apples ad agency in the balls
« Reply #2 on: 8 November 2002, 10:48 »
The "switch" campaign is beyond stupid.  All the ads show are these out-of-touch morons who can't figure out how to use Windows.  It reminds me of AOL (so easy to use no wonder it's the #1 choice of idiots worldwide!)  It just makes Apple look like a computer company for retards.  I think they should do commercials that demonstrate other things about the Mac besides "it's easier to use than Windows."  Maybe actually show the interface or something.  They should point out that Mac OS X is based on UNIX and therefore is for smart people not just idiots who can't figure out how to get their digital camera working in Win 98.  Maybe give a demo of the iTools or something, anything but "duh windows be too hard to use, me switch to mac which is PC for brain dead ogres and little children."


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I want to kick apples ad agency in the balls
« Reply #3 on: 8 November 2002, 11:14 »
Yes in a way it is, but i think that you would have to be an idiot to think XP is better then OS-X or Linux... And no i am not about popularity, and software support. Everything i want to do is possible.


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I want to kick apples ad agency in the balls
« Reply #4 on: 8 November 2002, 11:35 »
I think XP is every bit as capable as OS X.  If you ignored the fact that Microsoft created XP you would have a hard time saying that XP is worse than OS X.


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I want to kick apples ad agency in the balls
« Reply #5 on: 8 November 2002, 12:04 »
So how do i open my hard disk as raw data as a File in windows with notepad.


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I want to kick apples ad agency in the balls
« Reply #6 on: 8 November 2002, 12:46 »
They accuse Macs of being toys then they come out with XP. That's all XP is.


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I want to kick apples ad agency in the balls
« Reply #7 on: 8 November 2002, 14:05 »


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I want to kick apples ad agency in the balls
« Reply #8 on: 9 November 2002, 03:19 »
XP User, let's just say that XP is roughly 10,000x the OS that any previous version of Windows was. To me, it's about equal with OS X (waits for the flames) except that, like you said, MS made it, and therefore, I gotta say something bad about it ;)

The XP retail box smells bad.

PM me and I'll relate to you an interesting story you might enjoy.

As per my statements regarding what they *should* go back to... why doesn't anyone ever chime in with a "Hell yes" or even just an "oh yeah those were good" comment when I mention their old school ads?  
Go the fuck ~


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I want to kick apples ad agency in the balls
« Reply #9 on: 9 November 2002, 04:21 »
Originally posted by The Jimmy James X 10.3.6 / Bob:
As per my statements regarding what they *should* go back to... why doesn't anyone ever chime in with a "Hell yes" or even just an "oh yeah those were good" comment when I mention their old school ads?    

Cuz 1984 is their best add ever.  :D

I mean really, there were never any others worth note. Apple has a history of shitty marketing, and ironicaly, the switch adds have proven to be a succesfull campaign by all the analysts.


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I want to kick apples ad agency in the balls
« Reply #10 on: 9 November 2002, 05:21 »
What about the Lemmings ad?
Go the fuck ~


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I want to kick apples ad agency in the balls
« Reply #11 on: 9 November 2002, 05:45 »
Unix is better then the NT kernel, face it. And OS-X is easier to use... So clearly, a better interface, and a better kernel. Make a much better Operating System. Which is what makes me think OS-X, RH8, Mandrake, are the easy distro's.


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I want to kick apples ad agency in the balls
« Reply #12 on: 16 November 2002, 21:41 »
Did someone ask for irony?

The "1984" ad and the current "Switch" ads were ALL produced by the same agency:  Chiat/Day.


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I want to kick apples ad agency in the balls
« Reply #13 on: 16 November 2002, 10:26 »
Chait/Day made Switch? Oh, Heaven help us.
Go the fuck ~


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I want to kick apples ad agency in the balls
« Reply #14 on: 17 November 2002, 21:17 »
I'm not familiar with the 1984 ads. Does anyone know where they can be viewed/downloaded?