What happens when you try and run emacs without the "&"?
As far as logging in to a remote machine and opening an xterm (or any other X app) you need to have your "DISPLAY" variable set on the remote term and the local X server has to have granted authority for other machines to connect to it (run "xhost +" in a local term, NOTE: only use the "+" for testing, use the remote host name instead if the "+" works, otherwise X is wide open for anyone to connect, better yet use "xauth"). Normally with ssh on Linux it will set this variable automatically if you have x11 forwarding turned on. If you are using telnet to log into the remote machine probably need to set it manually:
[heljy@remotemachine]$ export DISPLAY=machine.or.ipaddress:0
"machine.or.ipaddress" is the address that the remote machine sees you connected from. Do a "who -l" and next to your name is what you would use here. The "0" is the local display number that you want the remote X app to connect to. Usually you are only running one X server and it will be called "0" or "0.0". If you have more than one it could be a different number but you probably don't.
If your local machine is behind a firewall you will not be able to start remote apps unless you do it via ssh and x11 forwarding. In such a case look at the ssh man page under "X11 and TCP forwarding". Hope this helps.
[ November 19, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]