the LCD panel on the clamshell iBooks is 800x600, no higher.
Here's a trick, though...
In the Finder, set global view options to 32x32 icons, 10pt text, labels on right, keep arranged by name. Set the dektop for 32x32 or 40x40 icons with 10pt text. Shrink the Dock considerably and set it to maximum magnification.
Then, switch to 1000s of colors, as it speeds the old Rage video up quite a bit. Switch dock animation to scale, and set font smoothing to light. these will all help overall performance.
stuff of that vintage still runs well with Jag, as it added accelerated video, but on an 800x600 screen, you're more constrained by resolution than by performance.

From ex g/f's Indigo iBook 366 Second Edition.
[ November 21, 2002: Message edited by: Jimmy James: Mac Commando ]