Originally posted by Heru:
Yeah, I feel that way too.
MS always seems to find some loophole and gets by. The DOJ has been easy on them for years.
We can only hope MS doesn't get awy esy this time.
Did you know that MS doesn't pay ANY federal Income taxes? That's right, and they are doing it legally. There is a little known loop-hole in the Income tax law in the USA, and both MS and Enron have been using it for years. Enron has since collapsed. Whenever congress tried to close that loop-hole, Enron and MS would lobby and stop them from doing so(money is a powerful argument); now it's just MS lobbying to keep the loop-hole.
[ June 03, 2002: Message edited by: Heru ]
That is an absoulute outrage!!!!!!!!!!!
Unbelievable. Simply incredible. I'm sick and tiared of hearing about all this stuff where some Multi BILLION dollar corperation can't share a little of it's profits with the rest of the country, which right now desperatly needs it. GW is diggin' into the Medicare account more than ever. The public school system right now is in shambles. I was surprised to learn that many places, even such places as Washington, there are little or no extra-curicular activities. It seems that today, rich men that give it all up, such as the doctor that funded Habitat for Humanity, or the CEO from "Newman's Own" who won't accept money from his company anymore, they are the exception, a miniscule one at that. There isn't even room for philanthropists that make billions being assholes, like Gates, and then give it away, (e.g. Carnegie); not with Gates trying to turn the whole of the tech sector into his own joke called M$.
And this thing about M$ alwasy saying, "well, we all know how much this fast-paced economy changes, we have to save some money in case we fall behind." like that gives them good reason to store all their profits away just in case a rainy-day comes for the OS giant. Well I'll be the first to say, I don't know how long it will take, but I'll be damned if I dont' see that rainy day come before I die. "No, Bill, FSF isn't a communist plot to take over the country." "Yes Bill, even some of the biggest GIANTS in the tech indusrty (ie IBM, HP) put Linux standard on their servers." "No Bill, hackers aren't a detriment to buisness/society, and they built the internet before you got your greedy paws on it, tried to change it into a thing of your own, you greedy bastard!"
And another thing I'm annoyed about. This lobbying buisness. We all know that the're not just simply lobying. There is no way you can produce some from of propaganda that says, "It's a good thing that a multi-BILLION dollar corperation sits around on it's fat ass, produces rank products, and then doesn't have to pay a cent to the Government while working class families living in poverty still do." I dont' care how much you pervert the facts, not even GOD could make that look good. These legislators are getting kickbacks. Have to be; couldn't be any other way. That's prehaps the most unerving of all.
"Maybe Ralph Nader isn't so loopy after all." Even I think he's a little extreame. But by comparison, noone can honestly say that this kind of M$ bullshit practice any less loopy. It's just plain wrong. Makes me sick :eek: +hurl+
[ June 11, 2002: Message edited by: iustitia ]