Author Topic: My loyalty falters...  (Read 5274 times)


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My loyalty falters...
« Reply #15 on: 2 November 2002, 10:12 »
PEOPLE! Jeezz... have some faith!

The Power4 is just on the horizon.


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« Reply #16 on: 2 November 2002, 10:32 »
Heh, it looks like Linux is converting Maccies to PC. If this becomes a common trend in Mac land, Linux will end up taking Apple out while it barely hurts MS. ;P


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« Reply #17 on: 2 November 2002, 11:02 »
Except for the fact that there are far more Windows users converting to Linux than Mac users.
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« Reply #18 on: 2 November 2002, 12:28 »
I dunno, I said it once, I'll say it again. The day Apple is out, is the day I give up computers.

I don't know about bussness politics etc. All I know is that I like their products over all the others plain and simple. I don't know about this chips better than this, or that mobo is better than this one etc. etc. All I know is that my Dual 800 G4 does everything I wan't and more. So why the hell do I want a PC running wintel or Linux?

And as for Job's, be patient folks! God people have short memories, you do realize that Job's pulled Apple out of the gutter in the midninties, it was Jobs who has put Apple back on the map as major computer company, and it will be Job's who fixes the current ailments.

Let's not forget that this is actually steves company. He started this in his garage with the Woz in the 70's. He has a personal stake in it's success and it has nothing to do with the bottom line, Job's invisioned the personal computer, and is truely one of the godfathers of the phenomena.

So, have faith folks, Apple will be around for a very long time. It will have it's ups and downs, but that comes with the territory.


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« Reply #19 on: 2 November 2002, 16:25 »
Well, to tell you the truth I've never had a Mac before in my life so I can't compare newer Macs with older ones. However, I know for a fact that my iBook is better built and more reliable than any other x86 laptop I've ever owned.

Furthermore, Mac OS and OS X are great operating systems, eventhough I seem to like Classic more and more each day, with the latter being the best *NIX like OS out there. I agree that it still needs a lot of work in terms of speed when compared to Classic but all in all it's just great.

To conclude: I was sorry to read that Jimmy James is so bittered but I don't think I will agree with him for the time being. After all Apple is Jobs's company after all, so what's the fuss around that?

PS: Jimmy James, there's a greek site written in English, from people who might or might not share the same opinions with you. Check it out.   ;)


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My loyalty falters...
« Reply #20 on: 2 November 2002, 16:35 »
Mac people write to much


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« Reply #21 on: 2 November 2002, 21:38 »
losing a battle does not loose the war.


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« Reply #22 on: 3 November 2002, 03:08 »
I remember using my first mac around the time of win3.11 still being mainstream.  We had a classroom full of these shitty boxes with windows and in the corner were 5 of the most stunning machines i had seen. All white neat an compact 4 of them were apple pc's and the 5th was a black and white apple mac laptop computer with those rollers balls for a mouse.  I preferred them to anything at the time and i've always wanted a mac since then.

The GUI was so much more than windows and still is, the only reason why i got a pc was because i was 13 and it was compatible with everything else.

shame...but anyway, a mac is the next pc i will buy.  I already got an AMD machine and a laptop so a new pc isn't needed.


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« Reply #23 on: 3 November 2002, 04:16 »
I think the reason Apple appears to suck to most of us is because with the release of OS X Apple knows it can get ahead partially by using money-making strategies that may include lousy service, but the only thing it needs to do is get some better ads. What they need to do is not show people talking about mac, not show the macs themselves, but show OS X in action.

I also know what you mean by the old hardware being more stabile. I still run an old Performa 6115 and an even older Centris 610 for word processing and stuff (and i would feel bad if i got rid of them). The Centris has never crashed or froze once in ten years and the Performa only crashed when the fan inside broke down. Although they are as slow as crap, they are still very dependable machines. In the ten months that I've owned my Quicksilver G4, however, it has frozen maybe five times, but I don't recall it ever crashing. Not a problem, but it would be great if I still had the reliability of my old computers.


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« Reply #24 on: 3 November 2002, 04:23 »
Originally posted by Zombie9920:
Heh, it looks like Linux is converting Maccies to PC. If this becomes a common trend in Mac land, Linux will end up taking Apple out while it barely hurts MS. ;P

This is kind of disturbing. What if Linux goes down in flames and all the Mac users that have converted to PC to use Linux are forced to start using Windows?


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« Reply #25 on: 3 November 2002, 05:12 »
Uh, you don't have to worry about Linux going down in flames any time soon, or likely ever. But don't be too worried about Mac people converting to Linux, far more Windoids are converting than Mac people. In fact there are probably as many or more Linux people converting to Mac than the other way around.
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« Reply #26 on: 4 November 2002, 08:48 »
I have tried and tried to like linux and I honestly don't get the fascination with it.  I have tried Red Hat, Mandrake and another that I can't remember the name of off hand.  In my opinion, the GUI's suck, both KDE and GNOME, and, again, before linux person freaks out, a command line OS is a step backward.  In the real world people like it to be easy and able to learn it quickly.

Until there is a decent gui for Linux with tighter integration, I don't see you average small business owner or casual home owner switching to linux.  Speaking as a consultant, Linux is great is some respects.  But in the real world, i.e. business world user applications, don't expect to see "the secretary" or "a small business owner" or a "casual home user" to switch to Linux for some time.

As far as my argument for linux/unix needing a good gui, I suppose OSX is it.  I believe that OSX is the future.

Just an opinion.


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« Reply #27 on: 4 November 2002, 21:51 »
I'm back... I'd have been there in the thick of things, but I had my b-day thing... it was a waste. good friends and good times, but it could have been so much better if only everybody could've been there!

anyway, I never wished a pox on Apple. In fact, I wish them well, in hopes that their current ways will change. I hate the way they are now, but not how they were. I'm definitely going to get another Apple computer, probably one of the Power Macs next year with the PPC975. That's gonna be when they start to take names and kick rear end. But until then, there's no point in getting something new.

Mac OS X is the best UNIX available, hands down. It's just not running on hardware that's truly good enough for it. The PPC975 will definitely fix that.

I just hope they'll keep G3-powered stuff and move it down to a lower price-range so that they can compete with Dell.

I, too, agree though that if Apple goes, even in its current form, it's over for computing!
Go the fuck ~


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« Reply #28 on: 4 November 2002, 10:23 »
Originally posted by The Jimmy James X 10.3.6 / Bob:
Mac OS X is the best UNIX available, hands down. It's just not running on hardware that's truly good enough for it. The PPC975 will definitely fix that.

I don't agree. Apple could quite possibly have the best GUI that sits on top of UNIX but Darwin isn't even close to being the best UNIX, in fact it's quite a ways down the line.

Legally, it's not even UNIX, but am totally against the Open Group's trademark so it is UNIX in my book, and also in my book so is Linux.
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« Reply #29 on: 4 November 2002, 11:16 »
2 things. Apple recently released the new version of Darwin for x86 I hear it is MUCH improved.

Also, I must agree with Jimmy about OSX being the best DESKTOP UNIX variant. For normal users, it's the bomb.