Author Topic: Apple Rules!  (Read 1559 times)


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« on: 17 April 2002, 04:46 »
I don't know if I posted this or not in these forums (have too many forum accounts and I know I posted it on one of them) but anyway here goes.

I was starting to think that PC's couldn't be that bad and that I should get a new one for gaming. But I don't think I will be doing that considering all the trouble my friend went through trying to make is Windows box work.

Last weekend my friend (Jay) wanted to clean his PC's hard drive and re-install windows.
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« Reply #1 on: 17 April 2002, 05:30 »
This is great!

Perfectly illustrates how freaking pathetic M$ is at makeing a simple to use OS, or should I say GUI considering that a real OS should be aware of the software and hardware that it is running on.

I have heard of people installing Linux with less trouble than this. Sure some PC lamer might get on here and tell you that you should have known about some obscure gibirish related to your BIOS *ahem* or that you should have had some directory named "bill do me" or some such nonsense, but even if the solution was that simple, Windows should have solved the problem for itself and not made it so hard on the user.

Techies (i.e. borg who call themselves hackers because they know how to use RegEdit or make .bat files in DOS) seem to find the idea of elegantly designed interfaces that make things simple for those who are not interested in obscure hardware eccentricities, are for the weak (or some similar such macho ideal  :D ).

Somehow a well designed GUI OS seems to equate with dumbed down computers for grandmas and morons, and that installers should be obscure and arcane devices that only one truely knolegable in computer science should be able to use

Let's take this for a granted then. So why the hell is OS X so easy to install, easy to configure, powerfull as hell, and never gives you a headache   .

I once told the story of Windows 98 corupting my CD driver and constantly pestering me for the Windows 98 CD that it couldent read anyway because it had no driver. Furthermore finding the driver to this relitively old CD rom online was a chore considering that the modle was discontinued.

Now that's funny! Way to go microsoft, as long as you had the user in mind. Fucking assholes.

OS X forever!!!!  :D


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« Reply #2 on: 17 April 2002, 10:30 »
My brother had a similar problem on his Kiva iMac  :eek:  Everytime he installed OS X it crashed to the shit house. We tried reformatting it over and over but the problem remained. In the end he just installed OS 9 agian. But that didnt work!!!

He took it to the repiar shop and now it works fine.

No other problems have ever occured. And with my dad's new imac (flatscreen   ) everything was perfect and over in ten minutes. I watched and laughed as it took my friend 5 days to get windows XP working. His excuse for not doing his homework was this: "XP fucked up my computer."

WHY do these people continue to use such shit machines? It is jsut incompreshesible. (only spelt correctly.)


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« Reply #3 on: 17 April 2002, 10:40 »
Hehehe.... welcome to the fold White Fire.

One word of advice, people 'round these parts don't take kindly to PC bashing. Windoze bashing is totaly ok, but PC's are just the machines.

If M$ made a better OS, then PC's and Mac's would really be competition. But now, I think it's obvious which company has been shitting all over the other and keeping it down.


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« Reply #4 on: 17 April 2002, 13:27 »
Originally posted by White Fire:
I watched and laughed as it took my friend 5 days to get windows XP working. His excuse for not doing his homework was this: "XP fucked up my computer."

WHY do these people continue to use such shit machines? It is jsut incompreshesible. (only spelt correctly.)

As mentioned above, XP has got nothing to do with "shit machines". it's a shit operating system. get it right, i am sick of macmorons who think in PC vs Mac terms. Luckily you get plenty of warning when one is around because you can hear their knuckles scraping along the ground.

No personal offence to you, but do do your research. XP is not a machine, it is some ones and zeros on a CD, or if you're really unlucky, (or stupid!) some ones and zeros on yr hard drive.

As to why people use shit machines, it might be because PCs are totally modular and much cheaper than macs. The fact of these features might mean a PC is a more sensible choice than a Mac in many cases (and vice versa of course). This argument is totally negated however when somebody chooses to run windows exclusively on said PC, and in that we both agree.
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« Reply #5 on: 17 April 2002, 18:29 »
Win98, whenever I would place a non-recordable CD in my CD burner (I had two cd drives, one burner and one reader), would unmount my D harddrive (causing a bluescreen), crash my box (requiring a restart) and occasionally fuck up the mount order so much I'd have to go into the BIOS and (manually) tell the box the D: drive was still there.

Truth is, I've never had problems like this on my Macs, although I've had some interesting SCSI conflicts and such (one of which turned my LC into a wonderful strobe light.. damn dirty contacts)


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« Reply #6 on: 17 April 2002, 18:48 »
wow! that win98 thing sounds great! i'd pay a couple of hundred dollars for something that could do all that!
<sarcasm mode off>

Seriously though, i wasn't saying windows was good, i was saying:

PCs are cheaper and more customisable than macs.

Macs are more CPU economical and reliable than PCs.

I was also saying What does windows have to do with a mac vs PC argument????
What do PCs have to do with a Mac vs windows argument???

It really *is* about time people DIS associated the two terms, (windows) and (personal computer), from each other in their minds.
There are tons of OSs you can run on both architectures, so get over it, is what i say.

Sorry, sorry, sorry, i know i am just blowing off steam, but until this whole mac vs pc thing gets blown out of the stone age, nobody will think about stuff that's actually pertinent!

Mac vs PC arguments actually help Microsoft by this token...
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« Reply #7 on: 17 April 2002, 21:17 »
This is a good point.

Lot's of computer newbies, and even people who have been around for a while find it difficult to diveorce windows and PC's as most would find it hard to divorse MacOS from the Macintosh.

I think windows uses this to their advantage as new users automaticaly default to thinking in windows terms when purchasing a PC.

Hell, I even slip up sometimes.

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« Reply #8 on: 17 April 2002, 22:32 »
I remember always thinking Windows = PC when I was a newbie. I'd always talk smack to PC users because I thought their whole Hardware/Software was $hit. Boy was I wrong! Makes me glad I found *nix as a M$ alternative. Of course, I'm glad I found Mac OS before anything else...  :D
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« Reply #9 on: 18 April 2002, 03:56 »
PC = CISC-based = Less done per clock cycle = slower than PowerPC RISC

Now that we've established that (while the CISC-based PC boxes are more customizable, I don't prefer them speed-wise), I can continue to comment on this wonderful post.

Oh, and Windows NT will run on Macs, there's a PowerPC build on the CD. Though I don't know anyone who's sadistic enough to run Windows natively on a wonderful little PowerMac.


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« Reply #10 on: 18 April 2002, 05:46 »

Point taken.

I guess I'll just have to be more careful what I say in future. I meant PC as in Windows. That was a mistake. I have learnt my lesson. So I guess I'll just have to turn my question into "Why do people continue to use such shit operating systems?"  ;)


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« Reply #11 on: 18 April 2002, 06:00 »
White Fire:


Don't worry bout Calum, he hazes all newbs to the forum pretty hard.

Just look at some of the early Macman posts   :D  .

But ya that is the convention.


Windows NT for PPC!?

Can this be used as an alternative to VPC? ... or I suppose you can only run software compiled for the PPC chip architecture.

What a strange concept. I think it would feel somewhat sacreligious to have a windows boot on a Mac.

[ April 17, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]