Author Topic: Think before you type...  (Read 1037 times)

The Czar

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Think before you type...
« on: 2 June 2002, 23:53 »
Mac Hater;

I'm a collector of computers. I currently have 29 machines here (16 Macs, 13 PC's), but I started with a Wintel box. I'm running XP pro on a 333Mhz Aptiva, 256MB RAM and 16.2 GB HD. This machine well exceeds microsoft's posted requirements. I also have a Power Mac 7100/80, running Mac OS 8.1, with 40MB RAM and 700MB HD. According to Apple, my machine is 'barely usable' (I'm quoting an Apple Customer Service Rep). Wanna know something? I use the Power Mac more often than I use my Wintel box running XP. Wanna know why? Because I don't have the time to piss away waiting for XP to get its shit together and decide it's not gonna open up a document for me. The Macintosh works. Period. All machines have their faults, but the PC hs more than its fair share.

Lastly, did you attend high school anywhere in the civilized world? Because if you did, they all teach you to have solid arguments behind your statements. Maybe you should do some research BEFORE you make your next post   :rolleyes:  .

Just a thought....
If Windows XP is really superior, then why does this site exist?


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Think before you type...
« Reply #1 on: 3 June 2002, 05:03 »
the thing that stands out to me is how people on these forums don't tend to change their attitude simly because their argumants have all been blown out of the water, some do actually, but many just clear off, or continue being an arse.

This leads me to believe that most people who post disruptive and irritating posts here are doing so purely for the value of irritatingness and destruction, rather than to make any actual sense.

I honestly think that there is a part time position at Microsoft HQ that is employing somebody to post here sporadically in an effort to make these forums seem tedious, and make people not come here. Who can say if this is in fact working? Not I, anyway, but if this is true (we shall probably never know), then it is good to think that this site poses enough of a perceived threat to the status quo to be made a target.

Onward the revolution!
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Master of Reality

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Think before you type...
« Reply #2 on: 3 June 2002, 07:02 »
I bet those assholes have been sent by the cows   :eek:
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Think before you type...
« Reply #3 on: 3 June 2002, 14:57 »
i hate macs because macs and i don't get along. the mac my friend had would always lose the mouse so he had to restart the computer and it would sometimes boot up saying there was a problem with that picture of a bomb and the only button was "restart". it was a fast computer but it had serious problems. the macs at school are VERY VERY fast (imac G3 800mhz i think) but when you try to run the program to demonstrate physics examples, 80% of the time it will say something about color issues then won't load the program. with networking, the macs will SOMETIMES let you onto the network, you type in the correct name and password (yes i made sure i did a case sensative login) and it will say uncrecognized user and not let you on even though that accoutn DOES exist and if you go to the computer next to you it might actually work!
macs don't even have floppy drives, what do you do when you want to backup a simple file like my excel spreadsheet of my investments like i do every week? you can't! if something bad happens to the computer you are completely screwed because you can't back anything up.

some people like macs but i just can't be friend with them, sometimes macs can't even get along with macs.


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Think before you type...
« Reply #4 on: 3 June 2002, 22:32 »
while i understand what you are saying, that's not really what the topic is about.

You are talking about actual problems that you really have had, and been abboyed at. This thread is really directed at morons who type without thinking at all. They just rattle off any old tosh! who knows why?

so while i may quite like macs, i do find them a little constricting, and their memory management is a bit too regimented too. That's really not the point though, here, as this is a topic directed towards people who like to post without actually saying anything at all...
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« Reply #5 on: 4 June 2002, 04:23 »
your 'color issues' are most likely that you've set your bit depth wrong (hint: Monitors and Sound will do that one for you). only an incompetent would not be able to fix this issue. are you so tied by first opinion of the mac that you wish not to understand it, chooco? an unwillingness to learn or understand pisses me off so much more than pure ignorance.

and, btw, 98% of the time you're required to back up via network. you can use this new thing we have called the 'internet' to send your files through email to yourself. like you said, they're excel files, so hopefully they're pretty damned small. i haven't needed floppy disks since i went through the pile of games i made in basic when i was 9.

so, now that i've flamed an innocent who walked into this thread, let's get back to the topic. I don't think Mac Hater is coming back, at all. And if he does come back and make more of his AOL-luser posts that only further to insult his intelligence, I will personally laugh. I guess I'll go delete the identification info that I posted into the previous thread; I overreacted. Looking back on his "inflammatory" posts, I find them incredibly funny.

Know why? I'm an elitist bastard.

Anyone else want to join me in pointing and laughing at  Mac Hater? Maybe we can start a

[ June 03, 2002: Message edited by: Ravuya ]


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« Reply #6 on: 4 June 2002, 10:32 »
i wonder what it would be like to have an 800mhz G4 with Linux on it....hmmm  

that would make one hell of a mean server  ;)


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« Reply #7 on: 5 June 2002, 03:48 »
I've found that even a Performa 6400 can serve Linux with impunity, so yeah, I'd like to see an 800MHz G4 running Loonix. Be nice and fast.