Author Topic: What the fuck is this shit???  (Read 1796 times)


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What the fuck is this shit???
« Reply #1 on: 29 June 2003, 21:02 »
we will have to see for real when we get a chance to actually use the g5's. i would hate for Apple to be lying to us. huhm. or it means that windows pc users are actually scared and will say anything. or it could be that the code was written better for one system and not the other. or fuck. it means the x86 can do single tasks faster.

[ June 29, 2003: Message edited by: ecsyle:951 ]


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« Reply #2 on: 29 June 2003, 21:07 »
This article is utter hogwash. They are trying to discredit Apple's tests for using a slower compiler, when it is the common compiler for both platforms. Of course, the PC will score higher if it uses a compiler by Intel or Microsoft, just like the Mac will score higher with a compiler from IBM. I don't know where the author gets that Apple uses a different compiler, as gcc was used for all the machines tested.

It shows how ignorant the author is when he dismisses the gcc compiler as almost unheard of, when it is the defacto standard in free UN*X operating systems. He even goes as far as claiming that Windows is the "native environment" of the x86! What a bigot!

[ June 29, 2003: Message edited by: Laukev7 ]


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« Reply #3 on: 29 June 2003, 21:29 »
I looked at the tables in AMDzone (the site where the author apparently takes his figures), and they are very unprofessional. If you take a look, you'll notice that many processors are mislabled. A ridiculous mistake I found was  "Apple 3GHz P4".  Go figure.    :rolleyes:

[ June 29, 2003: Message edited by: Laukev7 ]


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« Reply #4 on: 29 June 2003, 21:58 »
Not to mention the fact that he uses the official Spec Scores that rated the Xeon. The spec tests to compare are diffrent, they try and level the playing field for both systems involved considering that you are comparing cross platform performance.



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« Reply #5 on: 29 June 2003, 15:22 »
For a second I thought they had something legit. This goes to prove that charts are shit when they're made by someone unprofessional and biased.


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« Reply #6 on: 29 June 2003, 21:49 »
it was funny when he dismissed GCC as an unheard of compiler, I'm not even aware of the names of other compilers that are present in visual C++, etc.

It shows how stupid this guy is when he puts on there that using Linux was not cool, implying that the machines would run slower with linux. pft.

However, its not like Apple didn't blow up these results.. of course they did, just not to the extent that he implies.  For instance, I highly doubt that Photoshop runs 2x as fast.  Just remember when Jobs said the single 867G4 ran Photoshop 80% faster than the 1.8GHz P4... and of course he was totally full of shit...

One thing that bothered me bout the Photoshop G5 to PC comparisons is that ONE step on the PC took forever, if that one step wasn't there the PC would be neck and neck.  This just shows how Apple picked the filter that was hardest on the PC and not so hard on the Mac just as a crowd pleaser.  Intel could have very easily picked a filter that is really hard on the Mac and easy on the PC just to slow the Mac down, then the PC would be 2x as fast.

So.... I believe that the G5 will be faster than most stuff, however, not as fast as Jobs says.

P.S. My dad has a dual Xeon system.  He is very unhappy with it.  Before the Xeons he had a dual PIII.  The Xeon Machine is faster, but not that much faster.  The really funny thing about it is at any given time it only uses 50% of each CPU.  Hows that for multi processor management in Windows.  I keep telling him to install Linux so it can take advantage of the Xeon's and the dual CPU's.  But so far he just has XP on it.

Just my 2Cents, however this post is a little longer than 2Cents worth, so I'll say its my 6Cents.


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What the fuck is this shit???
« Reply #7 on: 30 June 2003, 01:20 »
Originally posted by jeffberg: Mac Capitalist:
it was funny when he dismissed GCC as an unheard of compiler, I'm not even aware of the names of other compilers that are present in visual C++, etc.

It shows how stupid this guy is when he puts on there that using Linux was not cool, implying that the machines would run slower with linux. pft.

However, its not like Apple didn't blow up these results.. of course they did, just not to the extent that he implies.  For instance, I highly doubt that Photoshop runs 2x as fast.  Just remember when Jobs said the single 867G4 ran Photoshop 80% faster than the 1.8GHz P4... and of course he was totally full of shit...

One thing that bothered me bout the Photoshop G5 to PC comparisons is that ONE step on the PC took forever, if that one step wasn't there the PC would be neck and neck.  This just shows how Apple picked the filter that was hardest on the PC and not so hard on the Mac just as a crowd pleaser.  Intel could have very easily picked a filter that is really hard on the Mac and easy on the PC just to slow the Mac down, then the PC would be 2x as fast.

So.... I believe that the G5 will be faster than most stuff, however, not as fast as Jobs says.

P.S. My dad has a dual Xeon system.  He is very unhappy with it.  Before the Xeons he had a dual PIII.  The Xeon Machine is faster, but not that much faster.  The really funny thing about it is at any given time it only uses 50% of each CPU.  Hows that for multi processor management in Windows.  I keep telling him to install Linux so it can take advantage of the Xeon's and the dual CPU's.  But so far he just has XP on it.

Just my 2Cents, however this post is a little longer than 2Cents worth, so I'll say its my 6Cents.

One step? Dude I saw the comparison, ALL the steps took a significantly longer time, watch it again. That PC was slow as fuck... I don't care what the numbers say, they don't mean shit.

I don't care if it processes 1.85645446Million microziples and has a half terabite BIOS overune memry jackoff cumshoot accelerator cartrige xtreeem. It fucking kicked the shit out of a dual Xeon... case closed.


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« Reply #8 on: 30 June 2003, 01:47 »
Originally posted by psyjax: plain 'ol psyjax:

One step? Dude I saw the comparison, ALL the steps took a significantly longer time, watch it again. That PC was slow as fuck... I don't care what the numbers say, they don't mean shit.

I don't care if it processes 1.85645446Million microziples and has a half terabite BIOS overune memry jackoff cumshoot accelerator cartrige xtreeem. It fucking kicked the shit out of a dual Xeon... case closed.

yes, they were all slower, but only slightly... that one step was an extreme apple used to twist the the numbers.

Also, I bet the PC wasn't using more than 75% of both its CPU's, the Mac was using 100%.  Sure, thats windows fault.  What happens when u get Linux on that thing?

[ June 29, 2003: Message edited by: jeffberg: Mac Capitalist ]


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« Reply #9 on: 30 June 2003, 02:59 »
Why is it that you only take the Photoshop tests in consideration? What about the other tests? The G5 beat the PC hands down at the audio software test. The G5 was reportedly 3-5 times faster than the PC at the scientific/genoma/DNA software test, confirmed by  the CEO's testimonial. It even beats the PC at Quake III. How many tests do you need to see that the G5 is much faster than today's Pentium or Xeon?


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« Reply #10 on: 30 June 2003, 07:10 »
Originally posted by Laukev7:
Why is it that you only take the Photoshop tests in consideration? What about the other tests? The G5 beat the PC hands down at the audio software test. The G5 was reportedly 3-5 times faster than the PC at the scientific/genoma/DNA software test, confirmed by  the CEO's testimonial. It even beats the PC at Quake III. How many tests do you need to see that the G5 is much faster than today's Pentium or Xeon?

well to be able to see if one system is significantly faster than another system.  I need to use them both.  I know Apple is, not full of shit, but stretching the truth... just as any other company would.

And again, I recall the 867 G4 vs 1.8P4.  I have a 733 and a 1.7Athlon.  Jobs said the 867 is 80% faster at Photoshop.  I would say the PC is probably 80% faster than my Mac, no matter what I do, no matter how I reformat it, etc.  Because of that blatant lie from Apple I do not trust these results and will never trust any of their results or any other company's results.  I do agree that the G5 is one fast Puppy.  But I doubt it is as fast as they say.  Again, I will just have to wait until I can use one in an Apple Store.


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« Reply #11 on: 30 June 2003, 07:18 »
Originally posted by jeffberg: Mac Capitalist:
And again, I recall the 867 G4 vs 1.8P4.  I have a 733 and a 1.7Athlon.
Athlons have shorter piplelines then a Pentium 4, by far. This would definitally affect the outcome. Doesn't everyone and their cat know that mghz does not equal power?

[ June 29, 2003: Message edited by: bossesjoe: too lazy to post much ]

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« Reply #12 on: 30 June 2003, 07:36 »
Apple claimed to be 80% faster than the Pentium IV, not the Athlon. As Bossesjoe said, there is quite a difference between a 1.8 GHz P4 and a 1.7 Athlon (assuming 1.7 is the actual speed of the processor, not AMD's approximate P4 equivalent, but even then it's still an approximation).


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« Reply #13 on: 30 June 2003, 07:40 »
Originally posted by bossesjoe: too lazy to post much:
Athlons have shorter piplelines then a Pentium 4, by far. This would definitally affect the outcome. Doesn't everyone and their cat know that mghz does not equal power?

[ June 29, 2003: Message edited by: bossesjoe: too lazy to post much ]

yes, but AMD rates it a 2100+  as fast a 2.1P4.  That would not equal an increase from 80% slower to 80% faster.  I just don't understand why you guys believe every word that comes out of corporation mouths?  All they want to do is sell stuff, make money.  Whether the product is good or not is company specific.  But the bottom line is that they will do anything to sell you their product.  Lying is in that list of anything.  I don't trust any corporate comparisons, they will always favor themselves.  Just like I wouldn't call (that one auto insurance company with the Ford Explorers on their commericals that say they will give u the rates of their competitors, can't fucking remember their name) I wouldn't call them and ask for others rates and expect to find any one elses rates that are better than theirs.  Why would you expect Apple not to stretch the truth.  Why wouldn't the CEO's lie along with Apple,  I'm sure most of the products they sell are for Macintosh.  If they can get people to think the Mac is better they will sell more Software.

I just don't see any reason to believe Apple... so I don't


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« Reply #14 on: 30 June 2003, 21:07 »
In any case, most of the articles that attempt to debunk the G5 so far have little credibility, and most of them fall in the same pitfalls as the ones I pointed out for this one. Whether the G5 is faster or not (which I believe it is), no one can deny that Apple is in a far better position, and their Powermac G5 is very competitive.