Author Topic: Wow, Windows XP is amazing!  (Read 1962 times)


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Wow, Windows XP is amazing!
« on: 27 August 2002, 17:01 »
However, in order to think that you'd have to be extremely gullable.

It is common knowledge that the current Macs are much faster. All you PC Fuckers care about is megahertz and video cards! And why do you need so many joysticks? It would be humorous if only your blind ignorance did not interfere with our computing experience. Those beige boxes of crap you spend more time troubleshooting than working with are inconveniencing those who actually are able to have a positive experience with their computers.

And don't start preeching market share to me. You PC lusers cling to that because you think it's Apple's only legitimate weakness. Well take a look at PC companies who have gone under in the past twenty years whos market shares were many times Apple's. Packard Bell was the leader of market share, but unlike Apple, they were no longer able to make profit. The PC companies that are actually still in one piece (which will not include Compaq very soon, which also had a sizable market share) are posting record losses quarter after quarter and are having massive layoffs. Yet Apple remains virtually untouched by the current slump.

The amount of software out there for Mac has been enormously underestimated. People today are so programmed to predict Apple's doom that when a hybrid piece of software is purchased it is counted as a point for windows.

And don't go for that overpriced crap. You dumbasses have been using that and the one button mouse thing as a justification for your argument since the earliest days of this battle. If you want a better computer, PAY MORE!! Are you so stupid that you can't see that the only reason PC is cheaper is because they are put together so cheaply and sold in such massive quantities.

Windows Xp User #985679 and Zombie56256, you and all of those stubborn bastards that think like you are idiots. The info that disproves your argument (like my site for instance) is right in front of your nose, but you refuse to look because a large corporation has told you what to think.


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Wow, Windows XP is amazing!
« Reply #1 on: 31 August 2002, 06:30 »
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Wow, Windows XP is amazing!
« Reply #2 on: 31 August 2002, 06:37 »
dec alpha=b0n3r

yup, macs are faster, and dont' die as much, in fact im getting rid of my thinkpad/*turing it back into a linux server*/ when i get my powerbook working rigth

[ August 30, 2002: Message edited by: choasforages ]

x86: a hack on a hack of a hackway
alpha, hewlett packed it A-way
ppc: the fruity way
mips: the graphical way
sparc: the sunny way
4:20.....forget the DMCA for a while!!!


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Wow, Windows XP is amazing!
« Reply #3 on: 31 August 2002, 06:40 »
What kinda PB? I'm gettin good at fixin these things...


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Wow, Windows XP is amazing!
« Reply #4 on: 31 August 2002, 08:49 »
By all means I like mac hardware and software much much more, ive had less problems with both, but one thing Ive grown tired of is the mac vs pc[x86] battle.  There is no way in hell a pc users is going to convince a mac user to switch, and vice versa, the only way people switch is by using the other and deciding witch they like better.  Its like my friend, he likes heavy metal, I like hip hop, but do I argue with him all day witch is better and why?  No because im happy with what I like and he's happy with what he likes.  Bottom line thier are pluses to think about when buying either one, it all depends on what your doing and what you like.

If you want a better computer, PAY MORE!! Are you so stupid that you can't see that the only reason PC is cheaper is because they are put together so cheaply and sold in such massive quantities.

What if I dont want a better computer, what if I just want something to type papers on. It would be more reasonable to buy a cheaper pc, so would I be moron for thinking rational?

The topic of this is: Wow, Windows XP is amazing!
but you go on about x86 and so on and never really mention winderz at all.

[ August 31, 2002: Message edited by: trc3 ]


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Wow, Windows XP is amazing!
« Reply #5 on: 31 August 2002, 23:06 »
Ya Macman is cool, but he gets into his fanatical tyrades. He means well, even though he refuses to diferentiate between PC's and Windoze in hes posts  :D

Tone it down bud.


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Wow, Windows XP is amazing!
« Reply #6 on: 31 August 2002, 23:21 »
Originally posted by trc3:
By all means I like mac hardware and software much much more, ive had less problems with both, but one thing Ive grown tired of is the mac vs pc[x86] battle.  There is no way in hell a pc users is going to convince a mac user to switch, and vice versa, the only way people switch is by using the other and deciding witch they like better.  Its like my friend, he likes heavy metal, I like hip hop, but do I argue with him all day witch is better and why?  No because im happy with what I like and he's happy with what he likes.  Bottom line thier are pluses to think about when buying either one, it all depends on what your doing and what you like.


What if I dont want a better computer, what if I just want something to type papers on. It would be more reasonable to buy a cheaper pc, so would I be moron for thinking rational?

The topic of this is: Wow, Windows XP is amazing!
but you go on about x86 and so on and never really mention winderz at all.

[ August 31, 2002: Message edited by: trc3 ]

Hip-hop, Heavy metal? Fuck You! I like Enya..
He Hee.  

And yeah I agree people are stubborn and tribal, they usually don't change unless they happen to have a revelation.
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Wow, Windows XP is amazing!
« Reply #7 on: 31 August 2002, 23:46 »
mac vs PC! yes i have heard macman go on and on about how Microsoft is his real pet hate, but if he can't watch his fucking language then he can shove his fucking pc garbage up his arse for all i care.
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Wow, Windows XP is amazing!
« Reply #8 on: 1 September 2002, 00:33 »
Why that stupid PC vs. Mac battle? Some like that machine, so like that... it's the software that runs a computer that makes the real difference, the less the computer itself... and some people like Macman must remember that their is a difference between a PC and Windows. (no offence)


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Wow, Windows XP is amazing!
« Reply #9 on: 1 September 2002, 01:41 »
i love my mac and all, but if you compare a high end G4 against a high end P4 -- the G4 will get eaten alive on speed, and we all know this. -- just compare them. or just compare them in the "real world", and then you will notice Apple's benchmarks are biased.


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Wow, Windows XP is amazing!
« Reply #10 on: 1 September 2002, 01:44 »
Originally posted by eradicator:
i love my mac and all, but if you compare a high end G4 against a high end P4 -- the G4 will get eaten alive on speed, and we all know this. -- just compare them. or just compare them in the "real world", and then you will notice Apple's benchmarks are biased.

Ya, but you nead a really high end PC. And if the program is AltiVec enabled, the PC can take a hike. Also, you gotta compare specific tasks. I have yet to see a bench mark that shows more than a 30% gain on the PC side against a full on G4.


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Wow, Windows XP is amazing!
« Reply #11 on: 1 September 2002, 11:54 »
True, the Mac vs PC debate really should be the Mac vs WINDOZE debate. I have absolutely nothing against a PC running Linux.
In fact, AMD/Linux is a fine combo. After all, it's not Wintel. Shit even Intel isn't all that bad. It's really just Windows that blows.


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Wow, Windows XP is amazing!
« Reply #12 on: 2 September 2002, 05:37 »
I have to say... that I could never take the Apple route. Only from a financial point of view.

EXAMPLE: The G4 Cube, 20gig hard drive, 64mb memory, 450mhz PPC (however fast that is?) with DVD-rom and two USB ports.(SEE LINK)

All for $1800.00 American. Does this seem right?

And Steve Jobs says that this is the "coolest computer on the market..."

Apple lovers do think differently (don't they?)    :D  CUBE

[ September 01, 2002: Message edited by: RudeCat7 ]

*meow!* I didn't say Linux was easier, I said it was better, Dumbass!


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Wow, Windows XP is amazing!
« Reply #13 on: 2 September 2002, 05:56 »
Hey, why censor a guy who believes so much in our goal?    Macman has some good ideas, but I think the profanity kind of breaks the message. A damn good list of points and rebuttals, though, mate.


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Wow, Windows XP is amazing!
« Reply #14 on: 3 September 2002, 22:58 »
I love my Titanium Powerbook, and will never give it up, but I have no illusions of the G4 being faster than the P4/Athalon at much of anything (save RC5 and Shake anyway, where the Altivec unit can actually be used for something).

Raw speed > 'Elegance'

Thank you, have a nice day.
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