Mac Hater;
I'm a collector of computers. I currently have 29 machines here (16 Macs, 13 PC's), but I started with a Wintel box. I'm running XP pro on a 333Mhz Aptiva, 256MB RAM and 16.2 GB HD. This machine well exceeds microsoft's posted requirements. I also have a Power Mac 7100/80, running Mac OS 8.1, with 40MB RAM and 700MB HD. According to Apple, my machine is 'barely usable' (I'm quoting an Apple Customer Service Rep). Wanna know something? I use the Power Mac more often than I use my Wintel box running XP. Wanna know why? Because I don't have the time to piss away waiting for XP to get its shit together and decide it's not gonna open up a document for me. The Macintosh works. Period. All machines have their faults, but the PC has more than its fair share.
Lastly, did you attend high school anywhere in the civilized world? Because if you did, they all teach you to have solid arguments behind your statements. This is basic Grade 10 Social Studies here. Maybe you should do some research
BEFORE you make your next post :rolleyes: .
Just a thought....
[ June 02, 2002: Message edited by: The Czar ]