Author Topic: Which OS to use on a G3?  (Read 862 times)


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Which OS to use on a G3?
« on: 5 December 2002, 01:59 »
I just bought a G3 blue and white 350mhz. It came loaded with mac 9.2.2 and with Mac 10.2.2. Which one should I use , I think that the OS X looks great , but My buddy says that there is too many glitches with mac X. I have alot of older kids games like reader rabbit etc, would these run on mac X . I really only want to use one system ,What do you guys think. Thanks


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Which OS to use on a G3?
« Reply #1 on: 5 December 2002, 02:36 »
OS X is more modern, UNIX based, et cetera. 9.2.2 is the original Mac OS. It'll be snappier and more responsive, but less stable.

I'm not saying 9 is "unstable"... quite the opposite. I have no trouble with 9. But if you get a misbehaved app, it can bring the whole thing down. Not so with OS X.

My suggestion, upgrade your RAM to at *least* 256MB, 512 if you can afford it, and then, replace the video card. PCI Radeons can use Quartz Extreme in 10.2. Finally, a new HD will help speed things up with higher transfer rates, et cetera.

Stick with OS X is my suggestion!

Your older software may or may not work. Test them in OS 9 first. If they run there, then they'll work in Classic, which is what X uses to run non-OS X software. Also... if you choose to stay with OS X, DO NOT remove the OS 9 System Folder. It's required for Classic to run!

[ December 04, 2002: Message edited by: Jimmy James: Mac Commando ]

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Which OS to use on a G3?
« Reply #2 on: 5 December 2002, 02:37 »
Glitches in OS X? Don't think so, at least with 10.2.2 which is solid as a rock! Older versions of OS X were propably a bit more unstable and a lot slower (at least until 10.1.5), but 10.2.2 is truly awesome! I don't know how it would run on a G3@350 MHz (perhaps a bit slower than it does on newer G3s and G4s), so I would suggest getting LOTS of RAM.

Go for it! You'll simply love OS X!  ;)


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Which OS to use on a G3?
« Reply #3 on: 5 December 2002, 02:56 »
i must say that osX is THE BEST os i have ever used.
i have had no problems, or errors (well, i had one error recently that required me to restart finder, but i didnt have to reboot!!). i havent used system 9 enough to say anyting about it, when i got my mac it had osX.1 on it, so thats what i used.
i have an older 300mhz ibook with like 166mbRam and jaguar runs fine. it does slow down sometimes, but not enough to piss me off  ;)  osXjaguar runs like a champ on my g4 though  :D


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Which OS to use on a G3?
« Reply #4 on: 5 December 2002, 05:11 »
I got a 6.1 gig harddrive and 512 mb ram. Now I want to get a burner, but don't want to spent too much money. Will os 10.2.2 have drivers built in already? My buddy wants to sell me a creative rw 8439e. Will this work with my system/ Finally should I get more ram to make it real quick? Thanks guys!!


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Which OS to use on a G3?
« Reply #5 on: 5 December 2002, 06:01 »
A bigger harddrive would be nice. More RAM is allways a plus. Anything over 128MB. A video card upgrade is a MUST have. Otherwise it will be sluggish.

As far as the CDRW goes, OSX should recognize it fine. That is, does it work in any other Mac's? OS9 or otherwise.

Check the manufacturers website for compatability and availability of driver updates. If it's a common make, OSX likely supports it.


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Which OS to use on a G3?
« Reply #6 on: 5 December 2002, 08:50 »
dern near any IDE burner is going to work
Go the fuck ~


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Which OS to use on a G3?
« Reply #7 on: 5 December 2002, 10:02 »
how about a creative rw 8439e. I couldn't find the drivers on their site , will mac10.2.2 have the driver for this burner? Thanks


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Which OS to use on a G3?
« Reply #8 on: 5 December 2002, 10:13 »
like linux and every other unix i know, alot of support is included by default./*hmmm, firewire burners are sweet, os 9.1 didn't like the one i used*/
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