Author Topic: Apple is cool  (Read 810 times)


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Apple is cool
« on: 5 September 2003, 06:45 »
According to this article, Apple is popular among youth. Notice how you don't see anyone praising microsoft or dell . . .


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Apple is cool
« Reply #1 on: 5 September 2003, 21:47 »
Originally posted by M51DPS:
According to this article, Apple is popular among youth. Notice how you don't see anyone praising microsoft or dell . . .

That's funny. Today, while riding to an off-campus class, I heared a few non-computerish people discussing how Dell is super great.


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Apple is cool
« Reply #2 on: 5 September 2003, 21:51 »
It's probably "cool" because it's get a better design...

The only "Cool" that really matters for my PC is it's temperature.

[ September 05, 2003: Message edited by: Fett101 ]


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Apple is cool
« Reply #3 on: 5 September 2003, 10:47 »
My computer might be shit, but i couldn't tell the difference if I tried

any one who buys a computer because the of the way the OUTSIDE looks is a weee bit off their rocker.

I thought Linux was cool, but its not.

I use Linux because of a personal preference, not because it popular.

Good for Apple, I hope this group of people who are youth now keep on buying apple all their lives, 40 years should be enough time for someone to figure out OSX on the X86

I read somewhere that BSD and its variants (DARWIN) are eating up the alternative desktop market because of the enthusiasm behind OSX's Darwin base.

Here it is>>>>>>>
web page

I was considering running Darwin--KDE with an apple like theme and pretending it was OSX  :D  

any one else have such guilty thoughts?


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Apple is cool
« Reply #4 on: 5 September 2003, 10:56 »
many of the younger folks that I've talked to that own Apple hardware say this:

My dad has a Dell and runs Windows, and he's always having problems. My computer JUST WORKS.

That's the operative phrase that I hear... JUST WORKS.
Go the fuck ~


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Apple is cool
« Reply #5 on: 5 September 2003, 11:33 »
Originally posted by Jimmy James is COOL:
many of the younger folks that I've talked to that own Apple hardware say this:

My dad has a Dell and runs Windows, and he's always having problems. My computer JUST WORKS.

That's the operative phrase that I hear... JUST WORKS.

That reminds me of an advertizing guy my friend introduced me to, he was explaing to me what he did with graphics and stuff on his mac running OSX

I don't know why, but I said" Yah know SuSE runs on  Macs"

He said "Look I know Apple isn't PERFECT, but it WORKS FOR ME!"

I don't know why but he did'nt like my sugesstion.

I find that alot with mac users, they tend to be insulted when one mentions Linux.  Not protective, or confrontational, just insulted.

Like I went into Tom Lee music in downtown Vancouver, My little brother wants a Korg Keyboard

any way they're also an apple retailer and I was snooping around the desktop of a MAC thingy "G" something, I think it was a four.

one of the sales men came buy and watched me I said is it Ok and pointed to the screen

He said YAH! try it out!

I was looking how it was set up, the docker was set vertical on the left side, that's how I keep my KDE desktop

He said so what do yah think

I said Kinda reminds me of Linux

He was behind me, I was lost in the monitor and he said"Yah....Riiiiight" then he walks away.  WTF.


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Apple is cool
« Reply #6 on: 5 September 2003, 12:08 »
I've seen this, too lately. I guess that a lot of Mac users think that Linux is trying to play off of OS X's popularity and trying to say "hey, Macs use UNIX, and we're like UNIX!".

However, Linux still isn't as easy as OS X/NeXT, so they see Linux as a poser, when it's not. It's not *trying* to cop X's style. Linux is still struggling to *find a style*, which is kinda a hobbling thing for it, I feel.

But yeah, I know what you're saying, and it's crappy, as OS X users and Linux users are both *nix bretheren now.
Go the fuck ~


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Apple is cool
« Reply #7 on: 5 September 2003, 16:31 »
I read somewhere that BSD and its variants (are getting more popular on the desktop.)

Unless you count OSX I doubt that - well "more" popular yes, but popular no.  I use Open BSD myself now (on a seperate computer (sparc sunstation ipx to be exact), my main PC still runs Debian GNU/Linux) and while I can see it has a lot of great features, it just isn't a contender for a "popular" OS category.  (Well neither is Debian I guess...)  Maybe among people who know what they're doing but not for the average Joe - for that Red Hat, Suse, Mandrake, Windows or OSX.  Now personally I don't "love" any of those OS's, but really they are the only ones that have a strong claim to being aimed at the "average person."

I guess that a lot of Mac users think that Linux is trying to play off of OS X's popularity and trying to say "hey, Macs use UNIX, and we're like UNIX!".
However, Linux still isn't as easy as OS X/NeXT, so they see Linux as a poser, when it's not. It's not *trying* to cop X's style.

I haven't seen this at all, but I dont know any Mac users too well.  (Well not in person.)  How can we be "trying" to copy OSX?  Maybe a few window managers yes, but GNU/Linux was based on Unix before Mac OSX was.  You dont want to use GNU/Linux fine, I don't want to use Mac OSX - but neither of us should be trying to force the other camp to use their OS.  I'm not really expressing myself to well, but that guys attitude ("Yah....Riiiiight" then he walks away. WTF.) gets to me.  GNU/Linux is a good OS, suselinux shouldnt be getting shit from some guy just because he uses it.

Linux is still struggling to *find a style*, which is kinda a hobbling thing for it, I feel.

I can see where people get this impression - 25 window managers, 7 seperate word processors to choose from, blah blah blah, but there is a very definable Unix / GNU/Linux / "style."  How many people so far have complained about the "Linux way of doing things?"  For that matter, try reading ESR's "art of Unix," RMS's essays, or any Debian writings, there are clear styles, both technically (the "right" way to do something, like "everything is a text file or in OpenBSD "security comes first") and philosophically (RMS.)

I guess given the sheer level of choice and customizability in GNU/Linux there is no *consisitent* style like there is in OSX.  Or maybe the consistent style is "you get to choose the style your machine uses."  I can however see how that would irritate some people.
Yesterday it worked
Today it is not working
Windows is like that


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Apple is cool
« Reply #8 on: 7 September 2003, 01:31 »
Originally posted by Jimmy James is COOL:
many of the younger folks that I've talked to that own Apple hardware say this:

My dad has a Dell and runs Windows, and he's always having problems. My computer JUST WORKS.

That's the operative phrase that I hear... JUST WORKS.

Sounds like you've been talking to the people in the switch commercials.