Author Topic: Alright Macheads, lets talk real deal here  (Read 3295 times)


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Alright Macheads, lets talk real deal here
« Reply #30 on: 6 August 2004, 02:05 »
Dear Aloone,

Thank ye for the kickass post!

The Jimmy James

Only a couple of points. Please stop referring to Windows 95 - Windows Me as "WinDOS". There is an old software package that was called WinDOS. Just call them Windows 9x.

Also, the NT kernel was made by MS. Dave Cutler led the project, and his previous job was developing VMS at DEC. Several DEC coders came to join him, and they likely used the same programming concepts and structures, as well as similar mechanisms to do things. Plese don't claim that the NT kernel is the VMS kernel.
Go the fuck ~


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Alright Macheads, lets talk real deal here
« Reply #31 on: 6 August 2004, 02:50 »
Originally posted by JimmyJames: GenSTEP Founder:
Dear Aloone,

Thank ye for the kickass post!

The Jimmy James


Edit: Don't I get any stars then?  :D  

Originally posted by JimmyJames: GenSTEP Founder:
Only a couple of points. Please stop referring to Windows 95 - Windows Me as "WinDOS". There is an old software package that was called WinDOS. Just call them Windows 9x.

Sorry, I've never heard of WinDOS, I will now edit my previous post for you.

Originally posted by JimmyJames: GenSTEP Founder:
Also, the NT kernel was made by MS. Dave Cutler led the project, and his previous job was developing VMS at DEC. Several DEC coders came to join him, and they likely used the same programming concepts and structures, as well as similar mechanisms to do things.

I did think about including this, but I thought the post was already long enough.

Originally posted by JimmyJames: GenSTEP Founder:
Plese don't claim that the NT kernel is the VMS kernel.

Bad wording on my part, I never meant to imply that.

NT won't run VMS software or use any VMS drivers and vice versa.

NT is different to VMS, although it wouldn't surprise me if Cutler used some modified VMS code.

[ August 05, 2004: Message edited by: Aloone ]

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Alright Macheads, lets talk real deal here
« Reply #32 on: 6 August 2004, 03:16 »
It looks like a very cheap and nasty GUI shell for DOS, this is extremely lame.

The website look awful, the yellow text on a snot green background makes it hard to read!

I thought this looked familiar, I have already downloaded it and tried it before a few years ago, its not too bad its just fucking pointless.

[ August 05, 2004: Message edited by: Aloone ]

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Alright Macheads, lets talk real deal here
« Reply #33 on: 6 August 2004, 05:23 »

Yes and its these technical differences that make NT better than Win95 to ME.

How is it better if it gets infected with the same viruses, spyware etc.... How is it better if the stability and security is the same as 9x?

Its the same thing over and over and over....


Read my previous post again,the NT kernel was not made by MS, VMS developers were drafted
in, thus it contains some VMS code and is a lot better that Win95 to ME. VMS was an industrial strength
operating system that beat UNIX in someways.


Again who gives a shit who did what!  I really don't care if M$ windows is made with uber l33t Unix code.  My point was that it does the same thing!


Win95 to ME was shit, the crappy FAT32 file system was unstable and more prone to corruption than NTFS.

WinNT for me was shit!  The fact that it costs more and needs more hardware just to do the same thing is not very impressive.


Win95 to ME used FAT/F32 which was shit and slowed things down.


Win NT to me was shit.  At least with FAT some things did work abit not very well.  


XP boots up a lot quicker than Win2k it features pre-emptive booting, meaning that for the first 3
boots XP aranges the File system so that the boot up files are in the correct boot order.

That may be.  But then why is it when I booted XP it took for ever.  Yes win2k boots slow but then so does XP.  I do NOT CARE about the technical aspect of it. I'm intrested in it via the end user's point of view.  I've used 2k and XP they are both crap!


Its not unusual for hardware to work under Linux but be far from fully funtional, printer/scanners
often print but don't scan, sound cards often work but the 3D without enhancement and graphics cards often work but the 3D accelerator doesn't. In Windows most drivers work very well often the drivers aren't written by MS at all but funneyly enough by the hardware manufacturer.


I've used linux AND windows.  I'm not someone who tries to install it and give up on its first instance.  The problem you report can be the same with windows.  What you are telling me is that the majority of linux drivers are shit?  

No!  Infact at least the majority of them works out of the box!

I'm running sound blaster with RH9 and it detected it!    So its you thats spreading the FUD campain here!


For example my printer/scanner came with both Windows and Mac drivers,

Yes, so did mine.  But when I install sead driver for windows (which was ment for that version) it fucks things up.

I pluged in my printer scanner (HP PSC) and kudzo detected it and installed it then carried on booting.

My point was that since M$ HAS been around for a long time its stupid that it STILL has bad driver support and no you can't blame hardware manufactures.

 they were suplied by Leximark so the Windows driver is as good/bad as the Mac driver.

So?  the MAC driver always work.  How come this does not apply for windows?  Both OS'es are closed  source.


    Linux with all the things it has compared with all the things windows needs, virus scanner, ad remover, firewall etc... boots a heck of a lot faster!

Bullshit.  I run SuSE here on my laptop which dual boots with 2k!  It has a p2 266mhz 96mb ram!  Linux boots faster!  That is what I have seen!  Windows IS slow.


I agree, you shouldn't need any of that shit, it should be built in to the OS, but never the less XP still boots faster than Win2K.

Again I've worked with both!  They are the same with little difference between the too. What you are saying does not match what truly happens.

I find they are the same.


The open source argument doesn
"Regime Change" starts at home!<p>Islam IS NOT the enemy! Against American Terrorism since Sept/11/2001<p>Jihad:<p> <p>new SuSE Linux User!<p><p>If your gonna point a finger at someone then at least have the proof to back you up!<p>trolls are idiots that demand attention by posting whatever is opposite to the theme to ruffle feathers to make people upset!<p>Often these same trolls always mention grammar/spelling since they have no intelligence of their own.


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Alright Macheads, lets talk real deal here
« Reply #34 on: 6 August 2004, 05:38 »
Do you really think people actually read you long ass posts??  GIVE IT A REST!!!!
To create a new standard, it takes something that's not just a little bit different; it takes something that's really new and really captures people's imagination


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Alright Macheads, lets talk real deal here
« Reply #35 on: 6 August 2004, 06:19 »
Don Paladino, easy - I find these "scintilating" exchanges quite amusing these days.  Just thought I should point out though - to anyone with big enough cajones, it's pretty simple to tweak Windows.  Either pick up some freeware or start modding the registry and pray nothing bad happens.  Then again, the WORST that can happen is that you'd fuck over Windows...  :D

Proudly posted from a Gentoo Linux system.

Quote from: Calum
even if you're renting you've got more rights than if you're using windows.

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Alright Macheads, lets talk real deal here
« Reply #36 on: 6 August 2004, 06:52 »
Originally posted by Midnight Candidate:
Don Paladino, easy - I find these "scintilating" exchanges quite amusing these days.  Just thought I should point out though - to anyone with big enough cajones, it's pretty simple to tweak Windows.  Either pick up some freeware or start modding the registry and pray nothing bad happens.  Then again, the WORST that can happen is that you'd fuck over Windows...   :D  

Very true.
"Regime Change" starts at home!<p>Islam IS NOT the enemy! Against American Terrorism since Sept/11/2001<p>Jihad:<p> <p>new SuSE Linux User!<p><p>If your gonna point a finger at someone then at least have the proof to back you up!<p>trolls are idiots that demand attention by posting whatever is opposite to the theme to ruffle feathers to make people upset!<p>Often these same trolls always mention grammar/spelling since they have no intelligence of their own.


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Alright Macheads, lets talk real deal here
« Reply #37 on: 6 August 2004, 21:12 »
Originally posted by Midnight Candidate:
I find these "scintilating" exchanges quite amusing these days.

Maybe, but these days I just find them to be irritating.  It gets old after a while.
To create a new standard, it takes something that's not just a little bit different; it takes something that's really new and really captures people's imagination


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Alright Macheads, lets talk real deal here
« Reply #38 on: 6 August 2004, 10:45 »
Originally posted by Aloone:
Edit: Don't I get any stars then?  :D

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Alright Macheads, lets talk real deal here
« Reply #39 on: 6 August 2004, 16:01 »
Originally posted by Aloone:
It looks like a very cheap and nasty GUI shell for DOS, this is extremely lame.

Arachne kicks more ass     (even though the website isn't what it used to be   :(  ).

Here's the original Arachne WWW browser for DOS:

Try it out Aloone, it's awesome.

[ August 06, 2004: Message edited by: Refalm/BOB ]


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Alright Macheads, lets talk real deal here
« Reply #40 on: 6 August 2004, 18:35 »
Ok Solaris, I'm going to make this a short as possible:

Learn to quote people properly, and they just might take you seriously.


Linux with all the things it has compared with all the things windows needs, virus scanner, ad remover, firewall etc... boots a heck of a lot faster!

Congratulations Solaris,
By misquoting me you have now lost all of your respect, not just from me but form the other members of this forum, now no intelligent person is going to believe a single word you say.

Oh well there might be some stupid people reading this, so I should still continue debunk your FUD campaign.

I never said that most Linux drivers are crap, I was stating the reason why some are.

I didn't say that Linux lacks standards,  Linux is fully compliant with all the UNIX standards.

I didn't imply that most hardware manufactures keep things secret, I just said that a lot do. I know there are some manufactures that write open source drivers, but they are a minority group.

You Solaris, are trying to put your bullshit in my mouth and it
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Alright Macheads, lets talk real deal here
« Reply #41 on: 6 August 2004, 18:43 »
Originally posted by Refalm/BOB:

Arachne kicks more ass        (even though the website isn't what it used to be    :(   ).

Here's the original Arachne WWW browser for DOS:

Try it out Aloone, it's awesome.

[ August 06, 2004: Message edited by: Refalm/BOB ]

I bet it can't beat FireFox for quality and speed.

I can see a security advantage though, if used it in a DOS partition you can't get any Windows viruses, and if you get a DOS virus it won't take long to reformat a <2GB FAT partition and reinstall it.
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Alright Macheads, lets talk real deal here
« Reply #42 on: 6 August 2004, 19:02 »
Originally posted by Midnight Candidate:
Don Paladino, easy - I find these "scintilating" exchanges quite amusing these days.

Don't wory theres plenty more from where that came from.

Originally posted by Midnight Candidate:
Just thought I should point out though - to anyone with big enough cajones, it's pretty simple to tweak Windows.  Either pick up some freeware or start modding the registry and pray nothing bad happens.

This is not a Windows help forum, however please do feel free to sign up and agree or disagree with our views on Microsoft.

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Alright Macheads, lets talk real deal here
« Reply #43 on: 6 August 2004, 22:21 »
Originally posted by Aloone:
[QB]Ok Solaris, I'm going to make this a short as possible:



Learn to quote people properly, and they just might take you seriously.

You should follow your own advice on that, PLUS learn what FUD is BEFORE you use it!



*re reads post*

recorrects mistake


I agree, you shouldn't need any of that shit, it should be built in to the OS, but never the less XP still boots faster than Win2K.

My point was that WinXp and 2k boots around the same time.  There IS no difference betwwen them!



By misquoting me you have now lost all of your respect, not just from me but form the other members of this forum, now no intelligent person is going to believe a single word you say.

An intelligent person would of stated that he did not say that then let the other person re-read and correct it.  Not go off with a silly rant just because of a mistake.  Thus intelligence is not counted when we speek of you.


Oh well there might be some stupid people reading this, so I should still continue debunk your FUD campaign.

Thus I will be replying to stop YOU from spreading  FUD since what YOU have stated is nothing but bullshit.

"I.E. Windows XP boots faster than 2k!"

I did not say those words, you did!


I never said that most Linux drivers are crap, I was stating the reason why some are.

Some drivers are, there is no arguing on that, however they get corrected and better tested than those that are provided for windows!


I didn't say that Linux lacks standards, Linux is fully compliant with all the UNIX standards.

Yes you did!


I didn't imply that most hardware manufactures keep things secret, I just said that a lot do. I know there are some manufactures that write open source drivers, but they are a minority group.

IBM, HP, Radeon, Nvida... These are minorities?  Most people who works with hardware usually release some specs.   Its how developments of the industry works.  The only company that does not do this but STILL releases something is Microsoft.  Of course they maby some out there that follows this lone giant but I have not come accross any that practice it.


You Solaris, are trying to put your bullshit in my mouth and it
"Regime Change" starts at home!<p>Islam IS NOT the enemy! Against American Terrorism since Sept/11/2001<p>Jihad:<p> <p>new SuSE Linux User!<p><p>If your gonna point a finger at someone then at least have the proof to back you up!<p>trolls are idiots that demand attention by posting whatever is opposite to the theme to ruffle feathers to make people upset!<p>Often these same trolls always mention grammar/spelling since they have no intelligence of their own.


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Alright Macheads, lets talk real deal here
« Reply #44 on: 6 August 2004, 23:45 »
Wait a minute arn't you the guy thats stupid enough to say that wine is an emulator?


"Wine and VMware are both emulators."

Hey, yea you are!  LOL  No wonder your spewing such bullshit.  I had to wonder for a minute.

Well since I now know i'm not even going to bother.  You can't have a conversation with a dummy.    

Well this is a MAC forum.  I just wanted to correct that first post and I did so getting it back on track


"Regime Change" starts at home!<p>Islam IS NOT the enemy! Against American Terrorism since Sept/11/2001<p>Jihad:<p> <p>new SuSE Linux User!<p><p>If your gonna point a finger at someone then at least have the proof to back you up!<p>trolls are idiots that demand attention by posting whatever is opposite to the theme to ruffle feathers to make people upset!<p>Often these same trolls always mention grammar/spelling since they have no intelligence of their own.