Author Topic: What's so great about macs?  (Read 928 times)


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What's so great about macs?
« on: 12 April 2003, 21:55 »
ok, now i have to admit that i do not like apple. i don't really know why, maybe it's just because the only macs i've ever seen are really old. i like x86, mostly because it's what i know. they are cheap, and that is good for a 15 year old.

what is better in macs then in x86's? try to explain this as a linux advocate would explain linux to a windows drone, because i know absolutly nothing about macs!!

(btw, in case you don't know, i use linux on my AMD)

[ April 12, 2003: Message edited by: Siplus: *Capitalist* ]

"Your computer is already fucked up by having Windows
on it, you can only unfuck it up by installing Linux."
-- void main (old school MES member)

Desktop: Athlon 2600/ 768mb DDR266
--Running: Ubuntu 5.10, FC4, Win2k
 (Also, Unbuntu 6-06:5, 5.04; Fedora Core 5, WinXP, but none of these are used much)
12" Powerbook: 1.5 Ghz G4 PowerPC / 1.25 GB DDR333
--Running: Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger


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What's so great about macs?
« Reply #1 on: 12 April 2003, 22:45 »
If your a Linux fan, there is no reason not to like Mac's. OSX is spectacular, it has the benifit of all the openSource software, yet still manages to remain the most stable, user-friendly OS you have ever used.

You could resonably assert that OSX has more software than any other platform, because it benifits from nearly all FreeBSD, and Linux software (you can even install KDE and GNOME over Aqua), yet attracts big name products like Photoshop et all.

OSX is easely the most stable OS you will ever use. I run RedHat 8 on an AMD 2100 XP. Let me tell you, it's a great OS, but it does have plenty of quirks, and has crashed on me once or twice. OSX has none of these problems, everything about it has nearly thirty years of Apple R&D behind it. (something no one else has) I say this because M$ apparantly has no R&D, they just wait for every new version of the Mac OS so they can "inovate", grrr bastards...

Why hate Macs? They are versitile and M$ free. You can boot linux on them if you so prefer, the hardware is great, sturdy and well built, everything integrates perfectly so you never have any Hardware/Software conflicts or issues.

I say there is nothing not to like, you can use the computer as a total newb, or gee out into pure FreeBSD mode if you like. The power is yours  :D

Hey, it's a hard thing to explain. Get a hold of a new Mac, Go ro the Apple store or something. Then experience the diffrence.


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What's so great about macs?
« Reply #2 on: 12 April 2003, 22:49 »
Have you done any research on ?

I think you will find that the reason macs are so great is  because of the software.

Mac os ten is UNIX as much as BSD or Linux is but it is also gorgous and runs more software.

And anyone who thinks a PC is easier to upgrade than a mac should really become familiar with a Quicksilver Powermacintosh
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What's so great about macs?
« Reply #3 on: 12 April 2003, 23:52 »
Originally posted by Siplus: *Capitalist*:
ok, now i have to admit that i do not like apple. i don't really know why, maybe it's just because the only macs i've ever seen are really old. i like x86, mostly because it's what i know. they are cheap, and that is good for a 15 year old.

what is better in macs then in x86's? try to explain this as a linux advocate would explain linux to a windows drone, because i know absolutly nothing about macs!!

(btw, in case you don't know, i use linux on my AMD)

[ April 12, 2003: Message edited by: Siplus: *Capitalist* ]

You won't know the difference until you experience it yourself. Regardless of what I might say, nothing will convince you more than the real thing.


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What's so great about macs?
« Reply #4 on: 13 April 2003, 02:28 »
Originally posted by Panos:

You won't know the difference until you experience it yourself. Regardless of what I might say, nothing will convince you more than the real thing.

Mac OS X is like sex and Classic is like masterbation.


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What's so great about macs?
« Reply #5 on: 13 April 2003, 05:00 »
Originally posted by Macman: humanitys last hope:

Mac OS X is like sex and Classic is like masterbation.

  :D    ;)  
that makes sense.


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What's so great about macs?
« Reply #6 on: 13 April 2003, 23:09 »
I found this . It attempts to explain differences between the two architextures, but keep in mind that it's a bit outdated. The fastest mac processor is now 1.42 ghz.


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What's so great about macs?
« Reply #7 on: 14 April 2003, 22:27 »
Originally posted by Macman: humanitys last hope:

Mac OS X is like sex and Classic is like masterbation.

LOL.   :D   Beware Macman or such observations might stir up sexually oriented comments about Mac users and their Macs.   :D


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What's so great about macs?
« Reply #8 on: 15 April 2003, 04:25 »
Originally posted by Panos:

LOL.    :D    Beware Macman or such observations might stir up sexually oriented comments about Mac users and their Macs.    :D  

Are you saying there is something wrong with me because I have sex with my powermac?!? errrr.  Ummmmm...shit

Just Kidding