Originally posted by BaDDaSS[Mandrake]:
come off it! you all know that PC pwn your macs!
I am forced to use macs at college :mad:
i tell you... as soon as i leave i never wanna see another macinCRAP again!
'Mandrake is teh win'
Before I, as well as other Mac owners, respond angrily to such outrageous posts, please make sure that you never troll in the Mac section again.
BTW, I doubt that you've ever used OS X in your life. I've been using Linux for 6 years straight on as well as OS X and I believe that I'm more capable of making a comparison.
Hardware-wise, the x86 platform is really ancient and if it weren't for the latest and fastets Intel and AMD processors, then Macs would certainly own them.
Anyway, stop trolling in the Mac section!