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« Reply #45 on: 26 April 2002, 08:10 »
Originally posted by VoidMain:
Hey, I said I was sorry (even if I didn't mean it). And BTW, most of the people on here *are* kids. Why can't I act like one once in a while? At least I don't have a potty mouth.        And I don't know how I could have started the argument since I am not arguing. Are you arguing?

[ April 25, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

Your kidding me, right? I thought that  X11 was the only youngster regular on this board. I thought the rest of you were over 20 (22 here). Well that explains the hatred for guys are just young and want to be different.

[ April 25, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]


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« Reply #46 on: 26 April 2002, 08:26 »
Hey, those kids will be changing your diapers one day (you hope). And how does being young have anything to do with M$ hatred? There was a time when I actually liked M$ software. It took years of bad experiences for me to gain the hatred I have for them... And I sure hope they want to be different. That just means things in the IT world will get fun again in a couple of years.
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« Reply #47 on: 26 April 2002, 08:27 »
DAMN you and your rogue moderating post editing, psyjax!
dont fucking do that!

[ April 25, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]

[ April 25, 2002: Message edited by: Master of Reality ]

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« Reply #48 on: 26 April 2002, 08:36 »

[ April 25, 2002: Message edited by: Garden GNOME ]


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« Reply #49 on: 26 April 2002, 08:41 »
Originally posted by VoidMain:
Hey, those kids will be changing your diapers one day (you hope). And how does being young have anything to do with M$ hatred? There was a time when I actually liked M$ software. It took years of bad experiences for me to gain the hatred I have for them... And I sure hope they want to be different. That just means things in the IT world will get fun again in a couple of years.

If I ever get to the point to where I have to wear Depends I'll see to it that I hire a hitman to knock me off. There is no reason to live if you can't fend for yourself. I'll say that it is really good to see that part of the young generation knows more about computers than just point and click(I learned computers on a command prompt OS, having knowledge beyond point and click is great if you ever plan on getting a serious job in computers). It is just bad to see them bashing every little thing that comes from a company just because it was made by the company.

Even if the company makes a good product(which MS has made alot of good products) they will bash it just because it sports the name MS. Do you really think our computers would be at the advanced levels they are at now without Microsoft Windows? Microsoft has kept the pressure on chipmakers to improve thier CPU's to run Windows at decent speeds, MS has pressured Hard Drive manufacturers to make larger and larger drives to hold the size increases in Windows with space to spare. MS has a large part in Video chipset makers producing faster and faster video hardware that fully supports MS's API(DirectX) to run games that get graphically better and better every few months. Linux on the other hand only requires low end hardware to run, therefore it never has pressured any technological advancements in PC hardware.

I've said it a few times on this board, I don't think there is anything wrong with Linux, Unix, etc.  I just do think it is silly that alot of the Open Source users are so closed minded. There is a place in the market for every OS..and seriously, *nix is not intended to be a desktop OS. It is geared more towards low end, mid end and high end servers. *nix will never replace Microsoft's OSes as a desktop OS. Microsoft's OSes have over 16 years worth of software that has been written for it. Do you think all of that shit is going to be thrown out the window for a server OS?

(EDIT)I'm also not afraid to admit that Apple played a big part in Microsofts' success. If it wasn't for Apple, Microsoft wouldn't have ever got the idea to borrow the GUI from Xerox. That GUI is what made MS the success that they are today(EDIT).

[ April 26, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

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« Reply #50 on: 26 April 2002, 08:46 »
Originally posted by Master of Reality:
How about this: what if a small leak in a water pipe above your computer was unoticed and water got inside the mac and burnt the processor and mobo while you had a disk in it with your companies main server settings (or something else important) on it, how would you get your disk back?


You put a paper clip in the little hole and it trigers the mechanisim to relese the disk. If you snap off the faceplate on most macs you can push the button with your finger. No disasembly required.


38. PC's are less than Macs, and you get more. (more useless microsoft propaganda that is)

I believe i spent a total of $300 on everything in my PC including the 3 GB of software on it (i'm using Linux on my PC)


I think he is refering to windows here. Macman, get your windows and PC's straight.

[ April 25, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]

why the hell did you edit my post??????!!!!!!!!!!!!

[ April 25, 2002: Message edited by: Master of Reality ]

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« Reply #51 on: 26 April 2002, 21:04 »
Originally posted by Zombie9920:

If I ever get to the point to where I have to wear Depends I'll see to it that I hire a hitman to knock me off. There is no reason to live if you can't fend for yourself. I'll say that it is really good to see that part of the young generation knows more about computers than just point and click(I learned computers on a command prompt OS, having knowledge beyond point and click is great if you ever plan on getting a serious job in computers). It is just bad to see them bashing every little thing that comes from a company just because it was made by the company.

Even if the company makes a good product(which MS has made alot of good products) they will bash it just because it sports the name MS. Do you really think our computers would be at the advanced levels they are at now without Microsoft Windows? Microsoft has kept the pressure on chipmakers to improve thier CPU's to run Windows at decent speeds, MS has pressured Hard Drive manufacturers to make larger and larger drives to hold the size increases in Windows with space to spare. MS has a large part in Video chipset makers producing faster and faster video hardware that fully supports MS's API(DirectX) to run games that get graphically better and better every few months. Linux on the other hand only requires low end hardware to run, therefore it never has pressured any technological advancements in PC hardware.

I've said it a few times on this board, I don't think there is anything wrong with Linux, Unix, etc.  I just do think it is silly that alot of the Open Source users are so closed minded. There is a place in the market for every OS..and seriously, *nix is not intended to be a desktop OS. It is geared more towards low end, mid end and high end servers. *nix will never replace Microsoft's OSes as a desktop OS. Microsoft's OSes have over 16 years worth of software that has been written for it. Do you think all of that shit is going to be thrown out the window for a server OS?

[ April 25, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

i learned computing on a VIC20, then a commodore 64.

hmmmmmm... thats a good point though, without MS making their software need more and more space, processor speed, and better the newest hardware we probly would not have as fast computers as we have today (we may even make them faster using linux). If it were just *NIX there would be little pressure on the manufacturers because Linux would run so good on the current hardware.
 I still think windows could possibly make an alright os if they took out the windows registry and replaced it with individual config files like *NIX uses. The registry contains the information for every program on the computer, therefore whenever a program has to lookup its configuration it has to scan the entire registry, this can get quite time consuming if you have a lot installed (or even a few big programs). The registry also constantly being accessed which makes it have a higher chance of being corrupted. Linux only access the certain config files it needs, so each individual file is accessed less and has a lower chance of corruption.

ps. i'm 15  

[ April 26, 2002: Message edited by: Master of Reality ]

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« Reply #52 on: 26 April 2002, 21:21 »
Zombie, you keep spewing out those same things you call facts and I disagree with every single one of them. Microsoft doesn't create the products, they buy them and sell them.  They are really nothing more than a software brokerage firm. For instance, I *used* to like Visio until M$ got hold of it. And you think I am biased and don't use M$. Guess what I spent half the day doing today? Trying to tie data together from M$ SQL Server, Pervasive, and Exchange on Win2k. There was a lot of swearing coming out of my office today to say the least.

UNIX was created before there was such a thing known as a "desktop" system. Linux runs just fine as a desktop system and it *will* replace M$ weather you like it or not. Better buy some books or you will be out of work fast and in a hurry.
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« Reply #53 on: 26 April 2002, 21:27 »
Originally posted by VoidMain:
Zombie, you keep spewing out those same things you call facts and I disagree with every single one of them. Microsoft doesn't create the products, they buy them and sell them.  They are really nothing more than a software brokerage firm. For instance, I *used* to like Visio until M$ got hold of it. And you think I am biased and don't use M$. Guess what I spent half the day doing today? Trying to tie data together from M$ SQL Server, Pervasive, and Exchange on Win2k. There was a lot of swearing coming out of my office today to say the least.

UNIX was created before there was such a thing known as a "desktop" system. Linux runs just fine as a desktop system and it *will* replace M$ weather you like it or not. Better buy some books or you will be out of work fast and in a hurry.

commodore 64's are making a comeback, they even have a webserver running on it!!!

[ April 26, 2002: Message edited by: Master of Reality ]

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« Reply #54 on: 26 April 2002, 21:32 »
And I just got rid of my last one about 3 years ago!
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« Reply #55 on: 26 April 2002, 21:35 »
Originally posted by VoidMain:
Zombie, you keep spewing out those same things you call facts and I disagree with every single one of them. Microsoft doesn't create the products, they buy them and sell them.  They are really nothing more than a software brokerage firm. For instance, I *used* to like Visio until M$ got hold of it. And you think I am biased and don't use M$. Guess what I spent half the day doing today? Trying to tie data together from M$ SQL Server, Pervasive, and Exchange on Win2k. There was a lot of swearing coming out of my office today to say the least.

UNIX was created before there was such a thing known as a "desktop" system. Linux runs just fine as a desktop system and it *will* replace M$ weather you like it or not. Better buy some books or you will be out of work fast and in a hurry.

I'm not in the least bit surprised that you don't agree with me because you are the biggest example of a *Open Source - Closed Minded* person on this board. You can keep telling yourself that Linux will replace MS one of these days....just like people of your type have been saying for the last 7-10 years. Face it, it isn't going to happen. Do you really think that I need to buy books about *nix? Dude I am no stranger to the *nix environment. I am also smart enough to realize that *nix is not intended for what I(and 95% of the consumer world) use thier computer for. Saying *nix is suitable for the mainstream desktop environment is as absurd as saying that Windows XP 64-bit and the Itaniums they run on are intended to be for the mainstream desktop environment. As I have already said, Microsoft's products(whether they made the product or bought it from someone is still thier product) have made  the single biggest impact on the advancements in PC technology. Also, if you look at Windows' software library(and all of the people who use the software in that library) and you think it is all going to be thrown out the window for an OS that has hardley anything to offer to the average consumer you are nuts.

P.S. I do not need to read up on anything. What I don't know I can easily learn on my own because I have a comprehensive brain. I am a very fast learner(and I learn stuff on my own, not from books).    ;)  

(EDIT)If anyone had a chance in hell of replacing Microsoft Windows(or whatever Microsoft's future OSes will be called) it would be Apple with MacOS. Even MacOS has more consumer level apps and games written for it than *nix. Linux is open source and will never have companies spending alot of time writing and coding for it because there are simply too many distros out there. Linux relies soley on  it's community to write most of the drivers and program ports to it. Even MacOS has a big company with alot of resources backing it up.(EDIT)

[ April 26, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

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« Reply #56 on: 26 April 2002, 21:36 »
i think i got a "new" commodore 128 just last year (i still have to get a keyboard for it).
I still have my commodore 64 though.
I'm not sure what happened to the VIC 20 i had.
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« Reply #57 on: 26 April 2002, 21:43 »
I know Zombie. You're 22, therefore you know everything. Ever hear of porting? That's what vendors are going to be doing in hoards.  And I have used Linux since 1992 and it wasn't until *very* recently (weeks) that I seriously thought it could become a mainstream desktop OS.  I do believe there are some major things to be accomplished but not nearly as many as there were yesterday, and thousands less than two days ago. The improvement rate is exponential and there is nothing that you or I can do to stop it.
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« Reply #58 on: 26 April 2002, 10:03 »
Originally posted by VoidMain:
I know Zombie. You're 22, therefore you know everything. Ever hear of porting? That's what vendors are going to be doing in hoards.  And I have used Linux since 1992 and it wasn't until *very* recently (weeks) that I seriously thought it could become a mainstream desktop OS.  I do believe there are some major things to be accomplished but not nearly as many as there were yesterday, and thousands less than two days ago. The improvement rate is exponential and there is nothing that you or I can do to stop it.

The problem is, most software vendors do not port and will not port thier software to Linux just because there is relativatly no profit to be gained in the open source market. Most Win32 to Linux app and games ports are done by members of the Linux community(regular users who devote countless hours of thier time to port stuff over). There is really no way software vendors can effectivley port thier stuff to Linux because there are simply too many distributions(and each distribution works differently) and more distros are made every month. Vendors are only interested in writing software for closed source OSes that are maintained by one company. That is where the profit is. You would be more likely to see vendors hoard software ports over to MacOS than to Linux because of the simple fact that it would make them more money. In the Open Source community people expect to get thier stuff for free(and GPLed so they can build onto it). That is not what software vendors want.

(EDIT)In all fairness, Linux has made some major advancements in User friendliness(namely in the Mandrake distro)recently...but the problem is it still holds that ugly Open Source label over it's head. That little label is what will keep the majority of vendors away from the OS. It all falls back to the simple fact that all vendors want is money. Open Source is the wrong tree to be barking up for a profit(EDIT)

[ April 26, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]


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« Reply #59 on: 26 April 2002, 10:13 »
What I am trying to say is that may have been true in the past but it will not be true in the future. People are willing to pay a "fair" price for "good" software. The flood gates are bulging and are about to burst. M$ will go down quickly and most vendors will be able to port quickly as the big ones have already discussed this and have been strategizing. They will not have a choice if they want to stay in business. And I have worked with many companies who are absolutely ready to jump ship off the SS M$ at a moments notice. Many are already doing it.

And what you also do not understand is the fact that vendors do not have to release their Linux applications under GPL or open source. That's not a stopper at all. Look at Sybase, look at Oracle, look at all of the other established vendors who have already ported and not GPLed their code, or released it. No one in the Linux world is screaming for Oracle source code (that I have heard). Open source is one of the great attractive features of Linux for both the vendor and the user.  The vendor has the details of the OS such as the kernel so they can make their software run optimally, unlike on closed source OSs.  End users (or companies where end users work) can customize the OS and/or fix things that are broken.

[ April 26, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

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