Author Topic: Standar Opperating Proceedures for MS O/S  (Read 1638 times)


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Standar Opperating Proceedures for MS O/S
« on: 27 February 2002, 17:27 »
OK, no shit, this is what has been happening. I have been online for about four hours just surfing and posting to these forums... and this piece of crap MS O/S has crashed no less than five times. God help me if I hit the back button! I just rebooted and started to type this in Notepad and it froze up again!
This is so unstable that if MS "fuck-you-up-ware" were a human being it would be immobilsed by physical restraints, excessively pharmacalogically sedated and permanently residing in a soft dark room at an undisclosed location!
Whew! Thanks! I needed that!
I'm running Win ME(Microsoft Excrement)
Everytime I touch my keyboard I feel dirty.


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Standar Opperating Proceedures for MS O/S
« Reply #1 on: 27 February 2002, 18:43 »
HaHa, no wonder man. You are using Windows ME(the worst spawn of Win9x). Move your ass over to the NT kernel and things will get better.


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« Reply #2 on: 27 February 2002, 20:30 »

I think you must be in a particularly stupid mood today, why should he have to go and get NT when he's already coughed up a couple of hundred dollars for WinME?

Surely for that price you'd expect something that at least tries to work!

stop trying to defend this shitty attempt at an OS.

At the moment, i have a WinME and Win2000 dual boot going on and GUESS WHAT? winME is actually MORE STABLE!

i can't even get into the control panels when i log on as root (in Win2000)even though it's the only user set up so far.

i haven't changed ANYTHING since install so don't give me that crap about "you fucked it up yrself" which seems to be the standard 'i-don't-know'what's-wrong'but-it-can't-be-the-computer's-fault' respnse that your type likes to give.

I will be reclaiming the 1.7 gigs i generously lent to win2000 very shortly i think. I can't even install the proper drivers for my video/soundcard et c, due to not having access priveleges to the device manager!

Anyway, the bottom line is this:

Fuck off, Zombie14658135261431431, You are talking out of your arse.    :D            :D      :rolleyes:      :cool:

[ February 27, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

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Standar Opperating Proceedures for MS O/S
« Reply #3 on: 27 February 2002, 20:34 »
No sir, you are talking out of your ass if you claim that Win9x is more stable than NT/2K/XP. ROFLMFAO, you can't even get drivers to work properly in 2K? That sounds like user error to me.  

The bottom line is this,

Fuck of Calus.  ;)


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Standar Opperating Proceedures for MS O/S
« Reply #4 on: 27 February 2002, 20:45 »
interesting response, and i know you are only echoing the sentiments of computer users everywhere, but the problem extends to winME specific hardware on my laptop for a start. Do you know how to sort it all out, since it's obviously my error? i'd be happy to learn something from you instead of throwing insults!
If something useful comes to mind, hop on over to the Format/Partition topic in the Windows Operating Systems forum, and let me know your thoughts please, also my recent post there explains my win2000 difficulty in more detail.
Thanks in advance!  :D
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« Reply #5 on: 27 February 2002, 20:53 »
Your system may need a BIOS update and a clean installation of Win2K to fix your problem. Believe it or not, alot of systems have BIOS updates to solve all sorts of problems with the particular mobo and Win2k/XP.

You don't have Win2K and WinME on the same partation do you? That there can cause alot of Win2K problems also.


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« Reply #6 on: 27 February 2002, 21:00 »
One more question, you didn't set an administrator password to gain access to files/folders and forgot it did you? That will definatley lock you out of stuff also.


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Standar Opperating Proceedures for MS O/S
« Reply #7 on: 27 February 2002, 21:58 »
I have seen that same problem with W2K in the past.  That is, logged on as Administrator it gives nothing but access denied errors when trying to open up control panel items.  I didn't take the time to figure out the cause of the problem because it was on a home machine and I didn't have the time (at the time) and just decided to reformat and make it another Linux partition instead.  It almost acted like the registry permissions got hosed up, or the Administrator SID was messed up.
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...

Gooseberry Clock

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« Reply #8 on: 28 February 2002, 02:19 »
Originally posted by Zombie9920:
You are using Windows ME(the worst spawn of Win9x).

OK, it's all listed here.


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« Reply #9 on: 28 February 2002, 14:04 »
no i didn't forget the password.
Why is it that when i ask windows people a question like this, they always reel through the dumbass answers that i'm way ahead of?

Seriously though, thanks for thinking about it, Zombie64273862, i do appreciate that you made an effort to help me  

The 2 installations were on separate partitions and the 2000 install was on an NTFS partition so it didn't even show up in 9x. As i said in the Format/Partition thread, my Kiwi linux using mate went through the registry and the dos based help screens before my eyes, at a blinding speed for somebody who hadn't used windows for a year. I could see all the stuff he was checking but would not be able to replicate it myself. Anyway, he couldn't help.
To cut a long story short, i have just reformatted the partition as FAT32 and plan to keep MP3s there, till i get round to backing them up. The next step for that partition is a Linux install of Red Hat 7 or Turbolinux 6.1. Any ideas which is better btw folks? those are my only two options right now, unless i go and buy OLD copies of Mandrake and CorelLinux for
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« Reply #10 on: 28 February 2002, 21:50 »
why should he have to go and get NT when he's already coughed up a couple of hundred dollars for WinME?

Not neccessarily. AR!
I'm running Win ME(Microsoft Excrement)
Everytime I touch my keyboard I feel dirty.


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« Reply #11 on: 1 March 2002, 06:12 »
I'm also after a distro on CD.  Calum, you in the UK?  PCW magazine has had distros on their cover DVDs with the latest being Mandrake.  Unfortunately it came in the form of 3 ISO images so one would need a CD writer.  I'm after Slackware 8.0 and don't fancy a huge download either  :(  Hopefully I can find some kind soul who has burnt it on CD and can mail it to me. ( hint hint  :D  )  Failing that it will probably be zipslack for now, 32 megs no X but has most of the development tools.


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« Reply #12 on: 1 March 2002, 17:02 »
so, do you have said dvd? i had problems finding anything like that, i have a cdwriter and a dvd drive, so that would be no problem, i'd really like mandrake 8.1 or something. VoidMain advised me not to go for *.0 releases and get one of the *.1 or *.2 releases, as there would be less bugs et c.
Anyway, i have turbolinux 6.1 and red hat 7.0 already, the problem is my laptop. i don't know what's inside and the assemblers (PC Club Australia) won't tell me, it's all winME specific hardware anyway   :rolleyes:  .
Or if you can tell me if there's a current magazine out with those linux OSs on, i'd be most grateful.
Either that or you might want to PM me to see if we can't arrange some sort of disk mailing arrangement...
yes i am in the UK.
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« Reply #13 on: 2 March 2002, 02:37 »
Don't have said DVD coz i don't have a dvd drive ( yet ).  I buy the CD version.

Cover DVDs are available for


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Standar Opperating Proceedures for MS O/S
« Reply #14 on: 2 March 2002, 14:13 »
HaHa, no wonder man. You are using Windows ME(the worst spawn of Win9x). Move your ass over to the NT kernel and things will get better.  

Thanks, but given my experience with MS(gag) software and seeing what MS's(choke) attitude is toward their customers and looking at where MS(retch) is headed, as far as controlling their software and peoples' computers; I feel it would be less painful for me to lower my unprotected scrotum into the slowly turning screw mechanism of an electric meat grinder while being mercilessly pummeled about the face and throat with a sack of discarded doorknobs.
I'm running Win ME(Microsoft Excrement)
Everytime I touch my keyboard I feel dirty.