I think you must be in a particularly stupid mood today, why should he have to go and get NT when he's already coughed up a couple of hundred dollars for WinME?
Surely for that price you'd expect something that at least tries to work!
stop trying to defend this shitty attempt at an OS.
At the moment, i have a WinME and Win2000 dual boot going on and GUESS WHAT? winME is actually MORE STABLE!
i can't even get into the control panels when i log on as root (in Win2000)even though it's the only user set up so far.
i haven't changed ANYTHING since install so don't give me that crap about "you fucked it up yrself" which seems to be the standard 'i-don't-know'what's-wrong'but-it-can't-be-the-computer's-fault' respnse that your type likes to give.
I will be reclaiming the 1.7 gigs i generously lent to win2000 very shortly i think. I can't even install the proper drivers for my video/soundcard et c, due to not having access priveleges to the device manager!
Anyway, the bottom line is this:
Fuck off, Zombie14658135261431431, You are talking out of your arse.

:rolleyes: :cool:
[ February 27, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]