Author Topic: MS wasn't always bad...  (Read 2924 times)


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MS wasn't always bad...
« Reply #15 on: 20 March 2002, 07:58 »

I hear you Void. LOL
Of course I was in the military during the vietnam era. I guess I am probably the oldest visitor to this forum at 45 soon to be 46.

You bunch of young whipper snappers.  


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« Reply #16 on: 20 March 2002, 15:52 »
i never got to use a computer at that age, since we was too poor  :(
but i caught up pretty quick, when i was 5 0r 6 our school got a BBC BASIC computer, not sure if you will have heard of it, but there were a lot around in Scotland's academic establishments for a bit!

My sister's got an original pong machine! it's fantastic, she collected old kit like that for a while, and she's only 20!
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« Reply #17 on: 20 March 2002, 19:46 »
Originally posted by Centurian:

I hear you Void. LOL
Of course I was in the military during the vietnam era. I guess I am probably the oldest visitor to this forum at 45 soon to be 46.

You bunch of young whipper snappers.    

Sorry, Dude, I got you sussed!  I'm 55 w/ 4 grandchildren.  My first box was an Atari 800XL; I still have it, and it stll works, even the cassette recorder so "You can save the programs you write to a standard audio cassette".  Jesus, was THAT a pain in the ass!!
BTW: ex Seabee, enlisted in '65.
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« Reply #18 on: 20 March 2002, 20:00 »

Originally posted by creedon:
Sorry, Dude, I got you sussed!  I'm 55 w/ 4 grandchildren.  My first box was an Atari 800XL; I still have it, and it stll works, even the cassette recorder so "You can save the programs you write to a standard audio cassette".  Jesus, was THAT a pain in the ass!!
BTW: ex Seabee, enlisted in '65.

Cool now I don't feel so OLD.  
Yeah you definitely got me there. I have kids ranging from 21 down to 6 but no grandkids yet.
I was Naval Aviation, enlisted '73.


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« Reply #19 on: 20 March 2002, 20:14 »
Originally posted by Centurian:


Cool now I don't feel so OLD.    
Yeah you definitely got me there. I have kids ranging from 21 down to 6 but no grandkids yet.
I was Naval Aviation, enlisted '73.

WOOHOO!! Another Navy vet!!  Let's get drunk and take over the forum!!!
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« Reply #20 on: 21 March 2002, 07:12 »

Originally posted by creedon:
WOOHOO!! Another Navy vet!!  Let's get drunk and take over the forum!!!

HEHEHE I remember those days well. We used to go into town after a few months at sea looking for women and trouble. Invariably we found both. I have quite a few missing teeth and some broken bones to attest to that fact. I loved uzo particularly. Now were talking a serious kick in the head or at least that is the way it felt the next morning.


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« Reply #21 on: 21 March 2002, 11:28 »
WOOOHOOO a Tandy 1000 I have not even thought about those in years.
When I read that, I realized that we (my parents and I) used to own one of those.  I'd completely forgotten about it.  In fact, that was the only computer we owned until about 5 years ago.  It didn't even have Internet access.  When I go home over Easter, I think I'm going to dust it off (we still have it sitting in the basement) and see what remnants of my childhood I can find lying around inside of it . . . not that my childhood was all that long ago.  It just seems to have slipped away so quickly.  And the present seem so be going by even faster than the past did.  (To all you "wiser" folks out there . . .) Does that ever stop?  Or does the rate at which time passes increase with age?  What a scary thought . . .


[ March 21, 2002: Message edited by: Gonusto ]


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« Reply #22 on: 21 March 2002, 12:00 »
Oh my god.  I'm going to get slammed by all you old fart swabies.         I was a lowly Air Force guy, 15 years. Spent 10 years as a crew chief on fighters and then got some senses and retrained into computer programming. Computers had an advantage of needing a climate controlled environment. Jets like extreme cold, hot, windy, rainy, dry, sandy type environments. And they like you to spend a lot of time with 'em. My body didn't care much for that environment (yeah I'm a wimp). At least it's nice to know I'm not the oldest one here.  There are at least TWO of you older than me.      Guess I gotta change my profile.  I do have a couple of retired Navy buddies though. And one buddy is a retired Air Force full bird who served in WWII, Vietnam, and Korea (he just turned 81).  He was a pilot and has an unlimited supply of great stories.

[ March 21, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

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« Reply #23 on: 21 March 2002, 20:25 »
Originally posted by VoidMain:
Oh my god.  I'm going to get slammed by all you old fart swabies.          I was a lowly Air Force guy, 15 years. Spent 10 years as a crew chief on fighters and then got some senses and retrained into computer programming. Computers had an advantage of needing a climate controlled environment. Jets like extreme cold, hot, windy, rainy, dry, sandy type environments. And they like you to spend a lot of time with 'em. My body didn't care much for that environment (yeah I'm a wimp). At least it's nice to know I'm not the oldest one here.  There are at least TWO of you older than me.         Guess I gotta change my profile.  I do have a couple of retired Navy buddies though. And one buddy is a retired Air Force full bird who served in WWII, Vietnam, and Korea (he just turned 81).  He was a pilot and has an unlimited supply of great stories.

[ March 21, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

My section chief was one of the ORIGINAL Seabees.  Y' should have seen him in dress uniform- he had so much gold braid and fuit salad, you couldn't see any blue.
BTW; I was in Spain for 2-1/2 years building a NATO airfield; I used to work with a lot of Air Force guys; they were pretty nice guys, but they couldn't drink for beans.
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« Reply #24 on: 22 March 2002, 06:28 »

Originally posted by Gonusto:
And the present seem so be going by even faster than the past did.  (To all you "wiser" folks out there . . .) Does that ever stop?  Or does the rate at which time passes increase with age?  What a scary thought . . .


[ March 21, 2002: Message edited by: Gonusto ]

It goes faster with every year that passes. Get used to it.


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« Reply #25 on: 22 March 2002, 06:38 »
Originally posted by creedon:
BTW; I was in Spain for 2-1/2 years building a NATO airfield; I used to work with a lot of Air Force guys; they were pretty nice guys, but they couldn't drink for beans.

I spent 3 years in Germany from which I made many trips to Spain for a total of about 9 months (Zaragosa, and of course I made a stop at Torrejon on the way to Saudi Arabia).  Don't know if I got the spelling right as it's been quite a while since I was there. But 3 years of good German "Bier" I think I could have kept up with ya. Bitte ein Bit!  

[ March 21, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

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« Reply #26 on: 22 March 2002, 06:43 »

HEHEHE Air Farce huh.    I worked with alot of air force people after when our ship split its hull during a hurricane. We ended up in Greece for repairs. Being in Aviation we were transfered to the Air Force base so our pilots could get their flight time in.

The first week there the air force guys harrassed us alot. We ended up getting in a fight in the enlisted mens club after that we all got along pretty well together.

Actually one of them got me started drinking Ouzo. Now that was one boy that could drink even if he was Air Force.    

I hear that we had a Senior Chief with almost 30 years in. He had been in since '45 and was the same way. He was kinda hard to look at in the sunlight when he was wearing his dress blues.  


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« Reply #27 on: 22 March 2002, 06:50 »

Originally posted by VoidMain:

 But 3 years of good German "Bier" I think I could have kept up with ya. Bitte ein Bit!    

[ March 21, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

HEHEH At the rate this converstaion is going all these folks from other countries will think US service personnel have a national pass time of drinking. Not saying we don't of course.  


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« Reply #28 on: 22 March 2002, 07:37 »
I had a 3 litre Bitburger Bier stein that I emptied at least once every night for three years. When I got back to the states I gave up drinking beer completely because compared to what I had in Germany the American beer was little more than water with a bad skunk smell. The imported beer in the States is *nothing* like the bier in Germany under the same label. The taste is at least 180 degrees off.  And the wine is much better over there too. Goes down like grape juice.  But the best part of it was all of the German fests. Good food good bier and if you have enough of them you might even start digging the groove of the oompah bands.                

It's amazing the jets ever got off the ground. I spent a lot of time curled up next to the wheel dozing.  And the pilots were worse yet. I've had guys come out to fly my airplane and blow chunks before they climbed into the cockpit (I had them trained like that as they knew if they would do that *in* my cockpit they would later be digging my boot out of their ass). Then once they get strapped in they about break your ear drums on the headset because they're up there sucking down 100% oxygen like it's going out of style.

And I remember the Ouzo, where you end up in Disney Land if you had enough of it. And what was that wine called. We used to drink it out of boda bags. And my favorite part about Spain were the beaches at Sitges (sp?) near Barcelona. We always had to go there on at least one weekend during the trip. I think that's where the phrase "ugly Americans" was coined.     I remember the first time we went there were 3 or 4 of us walking down the beach in single file. The first guy stopped to ponder and the other 3 piled right in to the back of him because their eyes were "not on the road" so to speak. It was like a scene right out of "The Three Stooges".

[ March 21, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

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« Reply #29 on: 22 March 2002, 10:49 »
It goes faster with every year that passes. Get used to it.
Darn, I had hoped it was just my imagination.

I've had guys come out to fly my airplane and blow chunks before they climbed into the cockpit
Speaking of blowing chunks, I think my roommates is currently in the bathroom doing just that.  What lovely noises he makes . . .

Those years you all spent abroad sound like they were a lot of fun.  They sound so fun that it *almost* makes me wish I had joined the Service instead of going to college . . . though I'm sure it wasn't all just fun and games.  Do any of you regret the time you spent in the Armed Forces?  Just curious . . .
