I had a 3 litre Bitburger Bier stein that I emptied at least once every night for three years. When I got back to the states I gave up drinking beer completely because compared to what I had in Germany the American beer was little more than water with a bad skunk smell. The imported beer in the States is *nothing* like the bier in Germany under the same label. The taste is at least 180 degrees off. And the wine is much better over there too. Goes down like grape juice. But the best part of it was all of the German fests. Good food good bier and if you have enough of them you might even start digging the groove of the oompah bands.
It's amazing the jets ever got off the ground. I spent a lot of time curled up next to the wheel dozing. And the pilots were worse yet. I've had guys come out to fly my airplane and blow chunks before they climbed into the cockpit (I had them trained like that as they knew if they would do that *in* my cockpit they would later be digging my boot out of their ass). Then once they get strapped in they about break your ear drums on the headset because they're up there sucking down 100% oxygen like it's going out of style.
And I remember the Ouzo, where you end up in Disney Land if you had enough of it. And what was that wine called. We used to drink it out of boda bags. And my favorite part about Spain were the beaches at Sitges (sp?) near Barcelona. We always had to go there on at least one weekend during the trip. I think that's where the phrase "ugly Americans" was coined.

I remember the first time we went there were 3 or 4 of us walking down the beach in single file. The first guy stopped to ponder and the other 3 piled right in to the back of him because their eyes were "not on the road" so to speak. It was like a scene right out of "The Three Stooges".
[ March 21, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]