>AMD Athlon K6XP (1.6ghz)
>Radeon 7200 LE
might want to look into it, ati doesnt have a good reputation for linux drivers
>Predator 5.1 Maddog Sound Card
nfi. if its a creative chipset it will be fine, but I've never heard of that card before.
>1 gig RAM
>40 gb WD someshitoranother hdd
>100 gb cantfugginrememberdistributor hdd
>creative 56x cdrom
>phillips 1200ex cd+rw
should work, especially if its popular
>netsys fasethernet 10/100 card
should work, especially if its popular
>3DStudio max
multimedia right? try looking into blender, if thats entirely wrong then dual booting may be an idea
>Office Shtuck
open office is great
>altering downloaded porn videos
ah... no idea
>delrina form flow and jet form have frequented my system
if i knew what that was i would tell you

try looking at the gimp if thats for non paid work
>I'm in the military and use my puter for work and escape. Yes I game and have a console allready, but it's not the same.
wine runs a lot of windows games but is hard to coinfigure at first. most "linux native" popular games tend to be first person shooters.