true, this is a forum where political discussion can happen without descending into namecalling, i would say, even though i was ready yesterday to agree with VoidMain that politics should stay off this board. i changed my mind. so long as the politics stay in one or two threads, then fine.
Also, I must post in reply to VoidMain and to others generally.
VoidMain, once more i hope i did not offend you. i agree with everything you said in your three posts since my last one, however i just think that any US action in foreign countries should be UN approved, unless actual hard copy offensive action has already been taken. the eleventh of september thing is such action, however it has yet to be proved that any particular country was at fault, and as you know, once the US air force had levelled a lot of Afghanistan (unfairly in my opinion, but i do not know much about the USAF, and i am guessing you know a bit more about it than me!), the US did admit that afghanistan itself was not the enemy.
I just think countries should give each other the benefit of the doubt while still being ready to act at any time, rather than blindly acting to make a show of it.
the prime minister of england is now coming out and saying war with iraq is required, even though most people here are of the same opinion i am, they don't want a war, think we should instead be keeping a close eye on iraq, and that the UN should be ready to take action at the drop of a hat.
our ptime minister however claims he will be able to produce documentary evidence, in the next two weeks, that iraq plans to wage war against us. we shall see.