Sony didnt pull the trigger. The kids did. See. this is one of the many reasons i fucking hate america. When something happens, they are too wuick to blame someone else, especially when there is a chance to get money. Maybe they should look for the root of the problem. And no, its not violent video games, or movies, or music. or tv. Its children not learning shit growing up. its parents too scared to do anything for fear of being called a child beater or uncool or whatever. Its schools putting too much emphasis on getting out of school and looking "cool" and playing sports, instead of actually trying to raise decent productive members of society. Fuck everything and everyone pretty much. If these children actually had a decent ethical and moral upbringing, i doubt that they would be out there shooting other kids. If everyone had a decent upbringing, we probably wouldnt even need such "entertainment" anyways. Stupidity is going to be the end of humanity. We get dumber every generation. Technology gets better. thats about it. for a bad example, look up some letters sent home to families from men 16-20 years old during the civil war. Now read some letters from todays "more advanced" men. Fucking ludicris. Look at how crappy i wrote this mess i call a post.