Microsoft has got to be the biggest bullshit excuse for a technology company that has ever existed. Can I tell you how many times Internet Explorer has crashed? How about the number of times Windows Explorer has crashed, taking my PC with it and forcing me to reboot, constantly! Then, don't even get me started about the email server (hotmail) continually being offline when I try to access my hotmail!!
You know what? I'll bet William Gates would laugh his fucking dweeb ass off if he knew how much trouble people were having and how many people were really fucked over by something that either he or his bullshit Microsoft has created.
Goddamn nerd has more money than anyone on the face of this planet, yet he and his company, Micro$$hit, keep money grubbing unsuspecting PC users and ripping them off relentlessly! BILL GATE$ SHOULD ROT AND BURN IN HELL!!! (One can only hope he goes along his way real soon.) Who needs that selfish, soulless, sadistic, opportunistic, pasty face, pocket protector wearing geek who by the way is the worst possible excuse for what might even remotely resemble a human being??? FUCK YOU BILL!!!!! (You probably do that to yourself any way every night. Let me ask, is that the same hand you use for your own PC's mouse?? Or are you ambidexterous. Or are you such a fucking pathetic, loser slime that you can't even get any action from your own hand??) Again, I say, FUCK YOU, BILL GATES. A big FUCK YOU!!