Originally posted by Linux User #5225982375:
I personally think the fonts in that OS X screenshot look awefully fuzzy at small sizes. But I am a biased freetype supporter so don't take what I say too seriously. It may look better on your screen anyway since you might be using some fancy LCD display, wheras I use a CRT one.
And a note: "Helvetica" on OS X is most likely a high quality truetype font, not the rubbishy font that ships with X. They are both named the same but I'm pretty sure X's helvetica is totally different.
[ May 04, 2003: Message edited by: Linux User #5225982375 ]
I see what you mean, and ur right, some do look sort of fuzzy, I have a crt as well. That is my own fault though. OSX has a setting. The smallest font size that u want it to antialiase. It has 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 as the options. I love AA even on small stuff though and I went into the preferences file and changed it to 2. So fonts that aren't supposed to be AA'd are. Also, this is just something I noticed, when I was reading
And a note: "Helvetica" on OS X is most likely a high quality truetype font, not the rubbishy font that ships with X. They are both named the same but I'm pretty sure X's helvetica is totally different.
It sounded like u said OSX Helvetica is different than OSX helvetica, because X always means OSX to me anyway. So I think it would help everyone on the MES if we would use OSX and X11 instead of X cus it can be confusing at times.
So, I am glad we are done disagreeing on which system AA's better. Just imagine 10-15 years ago when the Mac OS was just getting popular, X11 was just getting developed into something useful and Windows was getting started. no one even knew what AA'ing was. Its not crucial to the system, in fact it is anticrucial, it slows it down a little. But it just looks so damn good. As per the title of this thread "Anti Aliased fonts kick ass!!!!!!"