Me: You know what's sick about diamond semiconductors?
Them: ?
Me: It's that if we use them, fucking Star Trek AND 2001: A Space Odyssey were right.
Me: Because if you think about it . . .
a diamond processor would be USELESS with ordinary circuit boards and transistors -- you would never be able to take advantage of it, unless the entire SYSTEM relied on a crystal-carbon technology.
Me: Therefore when we make the first diamond computers,
they will have fucking crystal (glass-looking) circuit boards and mobos with little roads of different color or shade diamond going through.
Me: Isn't that "What the fuck"?
Them: yes
Them: hahaha
Me: Fucking pull out the "sound card" in your 300GHZ computer . . .
it's a glass wafer.
Me: I can't even "fathom" that.
Me: But then again, I can't wait.
Me: I think there'll be a diamond period before the QC.
Me: And our kids will ask us, "What kind of computers did you have as a kid?"
Me: And we'll try to describe them.
Me: And it will sound really weird and be difficult to grasp.
"You mean there were different . . . what did you call them . . . boards? With little bits of metal printed on them? Holes filed with a lead alloy called 'solder'? And . . . everything was separate? Wow, man. I think I prefer my Atari Nucleon." Kid holds up a solid, 1" square translucent blue cube.
Sets it "in the air" as the future equivalent of a "screen" blossoms to colorful, animated life around his face.