Hey See Saw,
Bet you're not older than me. Have you seen the last half century in person? If not, then you can't hide behind your age as an excuse for being a WIndows user. Not that I believe that there's any excuse for being a WIndows user other than not having a friend who can help you become free.
I'm no genius or guru, just another person trying to get things done with computers. I switched to Linux a couple of months ago. I've never been happier interacting with a computer. I will never go back. Try it, you may... no, if you give it a fair shot.. you WILL love it.
Strap on a set of balls, install Linux on an older computer or, set your current machine up as a dual boot whore if you prefer, and give Linux a real try. Don't hide behind your age. There are people here and elsewhere on the internet who will help you over the rough spots. Be an American and be free.
Jim (who has had lots of beer tonight and is gald to be free from Microsoft!)