Oh and use UIL if your english blows. UIL stands for Universial Internet Language. A combination of h4x0r english(ie:woot instead of woo-hoo), letter/number replacements(w00t or w00-h00), acronyms(OMG, WTF,
etc.), adjectives/verbs(ghey, gay, k, cya, l8er etc.) non-standard sentence structure and punctuation(I r an l33t h4x0r for example) and varying degrees of personal or common freestyle.
Beware that diffrent people have differing skills at deciphering UIL. Mine is excellent, but others aren't.
Interestingly enough, if people who didn't learn english learned all sorts of internet speak and "hacker language"(yes I know it's script kiddy stuff alright), we could actually carry on conversations with people who don't know english. So UIL could work like primitive English... WEWT!