Author Topic: Record industry bitching again...  (Read 6122 times)


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Record industry bitching again...
« Reply #15 on: 14 May 2003, 21:57 »
And then publishers can go after public libraries. Think of the fine for decades of illegal activities!


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Record industry bitching again...
« Reply #16 on: 15 May 2003, 00:04 »
Maybe it's the way music is thought of by the people who control it's release. Just ask they guy who runs half of the radio stations in the United States.
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Record industry bitching again...
« Reply #17 on: 15 May 2003, 21:10 »
edit: i mean real record shops, not chains, do you still get them in the states?

We still have a few, Metal Mayhem, Central Station Records, that funny basement place in Garema Place etcetera.  Of course we do have the chains like Sanity as well...

Does anyone else still have record stores that know how to classify non pop songs?  In sanity you tend to get Kylie Minogue in the dance section (cough cough) and bands like the Red Hot Chilli Peppers in the "metal" section...  Oh and Nelly belongs in rap apparently.  Probably just one of the reasons why Sanity music stores are abandoning the old scheme and just classifying music as "core" and "non core" (pop and not pop.)  Plus it probably confuses the blonde/jock customers too much to see lots of "non pop" stands.  :D
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Record industry bitching again...
« Reply #18 on: 15 May 2003, 10:34 »
Who else has a Virgin mega store near by?

We have one in Vancouver right downtown but I don't know how popular they are


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Record industry bitching again...
« Reply #19 on: 15 May 2003, 10:55 »
Its strange but the Tower near my house is not bad, still sells LPs and loads of local music.  Then again its the first one and is completely different than any other chain music store I've ever been in.  If they'd followed this model, they might not havbe been broke.
In general when I buy music, i dl the entire CD, make sure I like it and then buy a used copy if at all possible.
Oh, and virgin sucks, nothing but pop trash

[ May 15, 2003: Message edited by: NM ]


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Record industry bitching again...
« Reply #20 on: 15 May 2003, 11:25 »
In general when I buy music, i dl the entire CD, make sure I like it and then buy a used copy if at all possible.

Bullshit.  I know you don't buy the CD because we all know downloading music = lost sales.  Always.   You can try all you want to justify the pirating of music, but you know deep down it's wrong.  Stealing is stealing, get a clue.


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Record industry bitching again...
« Reply #21 on: 15 May 2003, 11:32 »
Believe me, with a 100MB incampus dling network, I have purchased more music this year than any other year.  Hell, I even discovered a few new bands.  You don't wanna believe me, ok, but you're wrong and no everyone does not agree that downloading decreases music sales.  There were 3 major reasons for the record (no pun, really, I swear) increase in music sales durring the early 1990s.  1.  The music was pretty damn good -- Nirvana vs. Britney Spears?-- come on! 2. People were finally sure that CDs were here to stay and needed to buy their collections over again (What i call, "Buying the White Album again syndrome).  Today most people have replenshed their collections (or realized that the Beatles just aren't the Beatles without hissing and popping) 3. As a new medium there were no used CDs.-- The record industry does not measure the sale of used cds when determining how much music is being sold, because it does not help them.  This year I have purchased 8-10 used Cds and 2 new CDs and most everyone else I know has done the same.
Oh and did you know that "tapeing" music is legal - which should carry over to CDs and MP3s.  I have read the DCMA- nothing changes this rule.
OOO, and the RIAA is now apoligizing for accusing many institutions for copyright violations that did not happen,
Just the people I want creating viruses to help "protect" their copyright.
In short get your tongue out of the RIAA's ass

[ May 15, 2003: Message edited by: NM ]


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Record industry bitching again...
« Reply #22 on: 15 May 2003, 13:41 »
Originally posted by suselinux:
Who else has a Virgin mega store near by?

We have one in Vancouver right downtown but I don't know how popular they are

They are quite big over here, but I don't think they are as big in US/Canada.
Just another mainstream record store chain, part of Richard Branson's empire...
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Record industry bitching again...
« Reply #23 on: 15 May 2003, 13:46 »
Who else has a Virgin mega store near by?

They havent invaded our country yet.  ;)

Bullshit. I know you don't buy the CD because we all know downloading music = lost sales. Always. You can try all you want to justify the pirating of music, but you know deep down it's wrong. Stealing is stealing, get a clue.

Yeah if he didnt download it he would have bought two copies.  :rolleyes:

Believe me, with a 100MB incampus dling network

Is there anything else that a University network can be used for?  We have several debian servers distributed throughout the campus running open-nap.  I saw terabytes shared the other day.

People were finally sure that CDs were here to stay and needed to buy their collections over again (What i call, "Buying the White Album again syndrome). Today most people have replenshed their collections (or realized that the Beatles just aren't the Beatles without hissing and popping)


Oh and taping videos from the TV is illegal too even though the TV is free to view.  So is fast forwarding through the ads on a legit video.
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Record industry bitching again...
« Reply #24 on: 15 May 2003, 13:50 »
i'd buy more music if i could still buy real records. digital storage is inferior to analogue storage for an inherently analogue medium.

digital storage is okay for music you get cheap or free though.
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Record industry bitching again...
« Reply #25 on: 15 May 2003, 14:01 »
SACD should fix up you old skool ppl anyway.  Analogue is really just a "higher resolution" digital so SACD with its huge space and room for better quality/sampling rates will fix you all up nicely.  
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Record industry bitching again...
« Reply #26 on: 16 May 2003, 02:06 »
Originally posted by Faust:


Oh and taping videos from the TV is illegal too even though the TV is free to view.  So is fast forwarding through the ads on a legit video.

Damn, I going to have to buy it again!
I was refering to taping music (mix tapes)
Still legal, thank god--at least in the US