Author Topic: Study shows mp3 file sharing doesn't hurt CD sales  (Read 1665 times)


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slashdot article

Excerpt from the article
The two distinguished gentlemen Strumpf and Oberholzer-Gee have most likely made RIAA executives choke on their lunches. Those two economists at Harvard and UNC-Chapel Hill have done the research and the math on how much CD sales are actually hurt by P2P sharing. The answer: A whopping one CD per 5,000 files downloaded. Needless to say, RIAA are already trying to discredit the study.

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Study shows mp3 file sharing doesn't hurt CD sales
« Reply #1 on: 31 March 2004, 18:36 »
I don't think that's relevant to the argument. Too often people pander to the RIAA by saying "Oh please let us share - it's good for you." Sharing music should be legal whether it's good for the record labels or not. If indeed file sharing isn't harming the labels, then in my opinion that's only a bad thing.
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Study shows mp3 file sharing doesn't hurt CD sales
« Reply #2 on: 3 April 2004, 04:54 »
Originally posted by flap:
If indeed file sharing isn't harming the labels, then in my opinion that's only a bad thing.

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Study shows mp3 file sharing doesn't hurt CD sales
« Reply #3 on: 3 April 2004, 05:16 »
The major record labels (as they currently exist) should be destroyed and replaced with something better. Hopefully sharing will kill them off, or force them to change.

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Study shows mp3 file sharing doesn't hurt CD sales
« Reply #4 on: 3 April 2004, 06:07 »
Ah, I get ya now.  Nice flyer too  :D
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Study shows mp3 file sharing doesn't hurt CD sales
« Reply #5 on: 12 April 2004, 19:47 »
And it's still been proven once again:
