Author Topic: Hmm.. 'What's so bad about Windows XP?'  (Read 4124 times)


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Hmm.. 'What's so bad about Windows XP?'
« Reply #30 on: 25 December 2002, 05:01 »
if it is distributed as a windows binary (most windows programs are, and i think *all* that cost money are) then it will not run on linux *at all* unless you use a dodgy third party conversion thing such as WINE or WINEX.

Dodgy? Are you sure you aren't one of those anti-wine advocates, and are letting your ideoglogy corrupt your vision? Maybe you aren't, but I can't remember a whole lot about anyone here.  

I have no WINE experience, but it sounds like alot of people like it, even if it is not perfect.
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality


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Hmm.. 'What's so bad about Windows XP?'
« Reply #31 on: 25 December 2002, 05:34 »
Originally posted by psyjax: plain 'ol psyjax:

Why can't Apple just make OS's, the world would be a much better place if all computers could run OSX and Darwin.

You know what, it would not be a better place. It would be a better place if we had a lot of viable options for everyday computing. In much of this world, if you dont use windows, or at least macs, you dont exist.
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Hmm.. 'What's so bad about Windows XP?'
« Reply #32 on: 25 December 2002, 15:44 »
i use's stable but it's slower than fuck. when i turn my computer on it's about 5 minutes from the time i hit the switch to the time it's a usable computer. during that 5 minutes, about 1 minute is getting into Windows itself and the other 4 minutes is loading all the shit with the system such as MySQL (not starting any databases inside it, just starting the service), ICQ loading, MSN loading (in XP, it forces itself to load all the time) and that's about all. the huge slowness problem is from the hard drive, Windows is so disorganized that the hard drive just goes nuts trying to start a program up such as mozilla, photoshop elements (it's a low budget version of photoshop that came with my scanner) or even 1st Page 2000 (great HTML editor).

my mouse just goes fucking crazy from time to time, moving the mouse down makes it click both the buttons and move all over the place, i found it that it's the OS, not the mouse. while playing the game Half-Life in dev mode (all console stuff is shown in top left of screen), when the mouse goes fucked it will say hundreds of lines of "mouse3 is not bound" meaning that the mouse' tantrum is trying to hit mouse3.... problem is, my mouse only has 2 buttons and no wheel! it's a Microsoft mouse btw.


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Hmm.. 'What's so bad about Windows XP?'
« Reply #33 on: 25 December 2002, 19:56 »
Sounds like you need a dif mouse. My A4 started doing that and I just replaced it. Notihng wrong now.


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Hmm.. 'What's so bad about Windows XP?'
« Reply #34 on: 26 December 2002, 02:52 »
i used this mouse on Linux no more than a month ago, no problems at all. it's just on windows that it has a problem  :(


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Hmm.. 'What's so bad about Windows XP?'
« Reply #35 on: 26 December 2002, 05:38 »
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality


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Hmm.. 'What's so bad about Windows XP?'
« Reply #36 on: 26 December 2002, 08:50 »
whats wrong with wxp? and the whole lot of windows, and to some extent macos.
it is artificial limitations, like not supporting stuff, and needing drivers for specific cd-burners/*hmm, generic-mmc???? betcha you don't have anything quite as nice as that*/ and apple locking appz from using non-superdrive's. however, with the free unix's, the only limitations are those of the hardware kind
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Hmm.. 'What's so bad about Windows XP?'
« Reply #37 on: 28 December 2002, 22:46 »
I think average users like XP because they are lazy and want everything done for them.

Besides runing linux I have XP installed just to play games and I get every week new security releases. If you like being hacked and want computer viruses to destroy your valuable information then XP it's the right OS for you.

XP stands for "eXtra Problems".


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Hmm.. 'What's so bad about Windows XP?'
« Reply #38 on: 29 December 2002, 00:32 »
ok guys lets show some incentive at why xp sucks!! ok Electric Jaguar, you are in luck, for i am using winbloze xp right now, for i am not at home. first:
It *never* crashes on its own. It is either some fault of my own or another program that crashes.

Yes, XP is pretty stable but you say it's either your fault or another program that crashes. if in this you mean that when a program crashes you have trouble getting your system to become stable, or in this you are saying that xp crashes because of programs, that is something wrong with xp. on my linux box when an app crashes or freezes, i simply press win+del and click the frozen window and the app ends, no slow down or anything. Also, linux and other alternatives never come with spyware to begin with.

ok now, here is my reasons i hate winblows xp.

problems like the winblows xp help center hole should not exist at all. this is so stupid that i seriously doubt microsoft is spending any money on programmers and just hiring chimpanzees. the ability to delete files on a computer should NOT be given to the help center anyway!

the majority of the problems fixed by patches, service packs, and other forms of winblows updates should not exist at all in a major release of the os. this stuff should be fixed before the os comes out. i guess i can't compare linux and windows because one is oss and one is commercial but i can compare mac's and windows. i have seen very few major security holes for MacOS <= 9. I *shouldnt* really compare MacOS X and winbloze because darwin is open source but i will. i have seen no major security holes (but i dont really watch that keenly).

inconsistent ui
this exists throughout all winblows versions. things like moving files and folders are inconsistent. Dragging from the quick launch toolbar to the desktop moves a file, while dragging a file from the start menu to the desktop copies a file. btw, shortcuts are limited, nothing like sym links in linux, which represent the actual file in every way, not just in windows components. in this i mean (im not sure correct me if im wrong) when you specifically fopen c:\somedir\shortcut or c:\somedir\shortcut.lnk in a c/c++ program, it will open the actual shortcut file and read it, not the file it points to.

i like netscape
when im on winbloze i like netscape, and never use explorer. why can't i get rid of it? there is no internet explorer entry in add/remove programs, i know winblows doesnt need it, it uses explorer.exe for file management and shell stuff not iexplore.exe. the only way to remove it is to go into the hdd and delete the files, and there is still dependencies on the desktop (on the plus side xp lets me take off the button from the desktop)

why all the patches in the add/remove programs?
speaking of add/remove programs, when i look at the program list there are about 20 Windows XP Hotfix (SP1) entries that mean nothing to me. These aren't programs! it would make much more sense to put these in the windows update active x thing.

why is it add/remove programs?
i never see an option to add a program in that dialog. When i remove an application, it does not give me an option to add it again at a later date.

windows messenger
windows has trouble realizing the user hates windows messenger. it starts it a lot for no apparent reason, even after i have told it not to in the win messenger options.

search feature
search feature requires too much interaction first of all, if i want to find a file im not going to sit there and talk to the dog and tell it what to do as it explains worthless features to me. also the search feature is notoriously buggy.

where do i make boot disks?
i can't find the place to make a boot disk! i looked in help and support which leads me to

help and support
right when i entered the help and support program i noticed this:

Did you know?
When you are connected to the Internet, this area will display links to timely help and support information. If you want to connect to the Internet now, start the New Connection Wizard and see how to establish a Web connection through an Internet service provider.

I *am* connected to the internet through a cable modem, which XP acknowledges promptly. why doesnt help center know this??

Anyway now im in help center and i see all these categories of tasks that i can learn about. System Admistration sounds like it would know how to make a bootdisk... nope. i looked in all categories that would make any sense at all having bootdisk tutorials. Heh, i find it pathetic to need a tutorial to make a bootdisk... I looked all over the place in help center to no avail. if xp has no boot disk support (which i am almost *sure* i remember from when i owned xp before i sought rehabilitation through slackware) shouldnt it have an entry explaining why it isnt there and other options available to make sure i can boot xp??

the lack of always on top
for this reason i find it hard to use winbloze after using KDE for weeks. I cannot make a window i need 'always on top' over other windows, unless the program provides such functionality, and the only program i can think of that does is winamp.

the lack of good features in general
now that i think about it, if microsoft wants to play the ui features game, linux and other competitors have already won. For instance, some features KDE has over windows explorer shell:
-multiple desktops
-always on top
-sticky windows
-themability that is actually open (microsoft doesnt want ppl to make themes for xp)
-boot disk creation  
-ability to have your own window manager button setup (i.e. able to move the buttons on the top of the window to the way you prefer them)
-ability to have MANY more applets on the KDE taskbar then windows.
-ability to have a macos style menu bar.
-ability to instantly close any app thats frozen, without having to open the ctrl+alt+del box (which kde has btw) and find the proper process name. (win+del or ctrl+win+del)
-when items are too long on taskbar, title is gradually faded out.

and about the features that you winbloze zombies think xp has over kde and other microsoft ui competitors: kde DOES have transparency, fading menus, animated actions etc. All that is already put in. The one thing id like to see in kde (and x11 environments in general) is the cursor shadows.

the lack of freedom
if i want a different look in linux i will open up gnome... or xcfe... or fvwm, or icewm, or twm etc etc etc etc the list goes on and on, there is a HUGE list of window managers and desktop environments available for linux and unix. in macos i wouldnt want to have a different look, it's so beautiful already  

i could probably think of more but this post is huge and im getting bored.
Komodoware, moving Linux to your desktop.


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Hmm.. 'What's so bad about Windows XP?'
« Reply #39 on: 29 December 2002, 04:53 »
well done! you are the first person who has seriously been arsed to write this response! i might even make this a FAQ question now a long enough answer has been posted! is it okay if i quote you?
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Hmm.. 'What's so bad about Windows XP?'
« Reply #40 on: 30 December 2002, 02:17 »
certainly! and i have more after getting through half of that 'why i hate microsoft' paper

the lies of microsoft
"Windows XP is completely 32-bit.". bull shit. Windows XP is based on NT, which includes code from DOS. Yes, it does. And no, microshit hasn't taken it out all the way through XP. Under the hood, there is still quite a bit of 16 bit code.
In fact, as almost everyone knows, Microsoft purchased a product called QDOS from Seattle Computing Products when IBM needed an OS for their personal computer. They renamed it PCDOS, later MSDOS, in which DOS stands for Disk Operating System. HOWEVER! QDOS, as it was created and named by SCP stands for Quick and Dirty Operating System. Apparently, although not proven, code was stolen from the CP/M operating system! That could mean that Microsoft's monopoly is based on a crime!

"Windows [n.]
 A thirty-two bit extension and GUI shell to a sixteen bit patch to an eight bit operating system originally coded for a four bit microprocessor and sold by a two-bit company that can't stand one bit of competition."
 (Anonymous USEnet post)

BTW has anyone made it through that whole article?? Im halfway through so far. After that i plan to study the Halloween documents  

FUCK MICROSOFT. And yes, it's personal.
Komodoware, moving Linux to your desktop.