Well now, how absolutely clever of your avatar. Might have to start using my proxy anyhow!
But, hey, you are absolutely right also, my OS does suck or I wouldn't be on this forum, now would I?
My friend at Lobby4Linux is sending me a PCLinux CD to see if it will run on my poor little computer with only a Pentium 3, 256 RAM, and 10 G HD. I'm on that forum too, you ninny. He is nice enough to do that for me so maybe I wouldn't have to spend the extra money that I don't have on a computer before February because as of February Micro$uck will force IE on you if you want XP. So instead of greeting someone who is on this forum for a reason, maybe you should offer something a little more compelling like "I see you don't like Micro$uck either.
I came here today to look at the posts about Linux to see if I could familiarize myself with their OS, because I am a newbie and it only took me 4 months to figure out the name of the game with Micro$uck. Got it.....Ok then.
Wow, you can read a signature that contains PHP code that checks your systype and IP, then complain about it in a grossly annoying fontsize. What are you, five?
All kidding aside, I was unaware that Microsoft is now forcing MSIE installs with XP updates (though they've been pre-loading it with Windows for YEARS now), do you have an article link to that or some other hard evidence?
Finally, you seem to have decided to post based on someone else's signature, an ill-informed rationale but not entirely without merit. What *is* PCLinux? I'm familiar with Slackware, (K)ubuntu, Mandriva, Fedora, SuSE, Vector, and a handful of others but I'm not familiar with that particular distribution. As for the whole here, I believe I speak for it when I say we'd be happy to help in your transition away from Microsoft products.