Yeah how annoying. It reminds me of KDE, where every single app written for it starts with "K". Kmail, Kedit, Kopete, Kmplayer, K3b, Konqueror, Klipper....:rolleyes:
Yeah ... and it makes everything hard to find too ... cuz everything starts with a fucking K !!! AAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHH !!! :eek:
... everyone tells me to "grow up" ... oh, so you want me to assume the role of an adult, and act like adults do ... stay calm, be polite, have a point, be generous, be kind, be considerate, respect others, don't kill people, don't fuck your neighbor's wife (unless she's exremely, impossibly, and irresistably hot), don't do this, do this, on this day do this, on this day wear this, on this day think this, everyday think this, obey us, it is inevitable !!!!! :scared: :eek: :confused: :mad:
(I bet you're still thinking I should 'grow up', well I won't, I'll be myself however non-grown up I might be)