Heh. I was at CompUSA the other day, trying to find service for a failed fan on a Lombard G3, and my dad and I stumbled upon one of those fancy shmancy new Tablet PCs. Neat, I thought, until I reaized just how much of a kludge it is.
The windows cursor is always present on the screen. The digitizer pen simply tracks the mouse arrow. I, personally would like the cursor hidden on a tablet device. I'm not using a mouse, and I don't give a shit about the arrow. Even the little icon for the on-screen writing area looked poorly done. MS's main problem is that they pay no attention to the details, and therefore, it ends up being death by a thousand papercuts. There's no one big thing, but so many shitty things that it's useless.
Oh, yeah, and when I tried to switch the start menu from the old style to the xp style... BSOD.
What a piece of shit.