So by your logic you can write better drivers by reverse engineering. :rolleyes:
That's what it looks like. That the geeks can write better drivers by reverse engineering.
I suppose it's probably worth noting that I've only ever once bothered to try to get my pi-ece o' shite Lexmark something printer working in GNU/Linux. And that was on Slackware a long time ago. I _eventually_ got it working, just about, but it was no easy job. And then, I could print. It didn't crash the system or anything like that, just worked.
My USB 8-in-1 memory card reader works like a dream on all distros. Just stick in the card and check /dev/sd[whatever]
I don't have a scanner to try and get working.
Okay. You are free to use linux and nothing else. Now that MS is out of the way, everything can be Linux. And only Linux.
LMAO, how wrong could you be. In the 10 months since ditching Windows, I've used (as in installed and learned a bit about; For most other OSes I can't get on ISDN, because the OS either doesn't have sufficient support or because I couldn't get it working when I tried) multiple GNU/Linux distros, FreeBSD (5.3-Release), Debian GNU/Hurd (!), Mac OS X (brothers powerbook... I use it alot, and teach him about it :cool: ), BeOS Max (good enuff), and I'm not sure that ReactOS counts.
Have I forgotten anything?
"linux and nothing else" I laugh so hard.