I know not-much about OLE and the alternatives, so I won't comment on that.
OLE stands for object linking and embedding, it enables you to embed objects from other applications in documents and then edit them using the respective application. For example I could paste a MS paint picture into a MS Word document then click on it and a MS paint tool bad apears enabling me to edit the picture, of course this isn't just restricted to MS software Correl Draw does the same thing.
As for the the clipboard, I can copy and paste between Firefox and Konqueror and GAIM and Konsole and xterm.
So big deal?
Exchanging text between applicaions is easy (both UNIX and even DOS can do this in the form of pipes), what about objects? Can you copy something from the Gimp then paste it into OpenOffice, click on it and edit it?
I remember you brought up Inkscape in relation to this before.source
That explains that.
No it doesn't, you've missed the point, even DOS applications allow cut and paste but what they don't allow DDE (dynamic data exchange) between programs and neither does UNIX (well as far as I'm aware anyway).
Can you copy objects from Inkscape, past them into ABI Word, click on them and edit them again in Inkscape?
Come to think of it this is probably why OpenOffice was designed the way it is. The word processor, spread sheet and drawing package are all one module because if they weren't then could couldn't insert drawings and spread sheets into Writer and then edit them. OpenOffice uses more memory than MS Office because of this, if UNIX supported DDE then OO would probably be faster and more efficient but it isn't.
In what ways?
The main one that springs to mind is drag and drop, I found it very frustrating how I couldn't drop a file from KDE to OpenOffice of ABI Word and edit it.
Alot has changed recently.
Has the aforementioned changed?
I haven't used Linux properly for a year or so now so I personally don't know.
That's what I used to believe, but not anymore (something I read in the packaging standards thread). I'm sure there are Ubuntu users who don't even know what dependencies are.
I personally haven't had this problem although I'm not denying the fact it does exist, all I know is I've found it harder to install Linux stuff than Windows stuff. There again I am more familular with Windows but I don't see how this makes that much differance most things are simple, download the package and run it as administrator, and if it's good software it'll work, there's no fucking around looking for on that suites your distro or compiling. I blame MS for this as well as the vendors, there's a Microsoft package system for Windows but the silly software vendors don't use it.
I don't think boot-speed is all that important.
It's very important if you don't waste electricity leaving your system running 24/7.
But any GNU/Linux user that does can just optimize their init scripts or use initng (I use initng myself. I just decided to try it and now I couldn't be fucked changing it (nothing wrong with the way it is). It boots in about the same time as the usual sysvinit (six seconds when I last compared (which was before I had much stuff starting at boot)) because I start so little stuff at boot.
We've already discussed this before, I think we decided that boot speed is highly variable, it depends on how you configure your operating system, and Linux and BSD are more variable than Windows because they're more configurable which I know is an advantage.
A lot of Window's problems are caused by its legacy of allowing the user and programs complete control of the system. UNIX's lack of desktop ability is also due to its legacy of being a text based operating system, it wasn't originally designed with the desktop in mind just as Windows wasn't originally designed with security in mind. Yes, a lot has changed recently Windows has become more secure and UNIX has become more desktop friendly but both OS's have a fair way to go on both issues.